Danse Macabre

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Danse Macabre. Eddy knows this piece really good. And now he is sitting at the chair in the first row in orchestre, next to Brett. This is the first time they play next to each other in the first row and share a stand. The first thought that crossed his mind was that they can't do any jokes and have to act serious. That'll be so hard for them not to giggle. But they are professionals so they'll manage that.

The rehearsals were okay. Eddy just sight-read some parts 'cause they're so well-known it wasn't that hard. He knew what to do literally everywhere, just pay attention to that change of key signature and lots of sharps, flats and naturals in the middle. During the rests he kept  looking at Brett with a light smile. He also made a few short glances at Brett during playing just to see him focused. It wasn't a big deal.

The concert was fine. All the pieces in the concert were so good and he even was really satisfied with his playing this evening, which isn't usual. The concert was reaching its end and there was just one musical piece left. That Danse Macabre.

He just didn't know what happened. That piece isn't even that hard and still he totally zoned out. Firstly he started with a series of D in piano. It was so dreamy he spaced out and that memory when he met Brett for the first time just crossed his mind. It was during high school and eventhough they met each other in the math class, they became closer more in the orchestra because they were the two youngest here.

Eddy shook his head and started to focus on their part. He can't have his head occupied by something like this. The flute part ended and he has to start with the section of the slower theme followed by the eight notes. He knows that. He glanced at Brett and exchanged a little smile with him.

Then here comes the bass part with the staccato quart notes. It's fun. It reminds him the times he was fooling around with Brett during their uni times. And he feels well, maybe overly well. In that time he started to be sensitive when Brett wasn't around. But that's normal, that you like to spend your time at uni with your friend and look forward to that, isn't it? So he brushed it off the table eventhough he was a little nervous in Brett's presence. 

Then the sudden change of key signature popped in front of him. Eddy sighted it at the last second. Gosh, he has to pay attention. As he continued with the part, his mind wandered in the memory of him and Brett making their first youtube video and beginning with Two Set Violin. It was really fun, but of course their first video was such a big fail. He smiles when that embarassing piece of crap pops up in his mind. 

Eddy winked and turned his gaze at the score. While he was absentminded, that nice and slow part changed to a scale of notes going up and down with that deadly portion of sharps, flats and naturals. During his struggling, another memory shows up. This time it's concerned Brett. He remembers that dialogue in exactly every word.

They were playing that game Two boys One violin. During the whole shooting, Eddy was really nervous and aware of Brett's closeness. He tried to mask it but he shivered every time their hands touched each other. They both wrapped up the video with awkward smile on their faces. And while Brett was packing equipment, that question supervened.

,,What's the matter, dude?" Eddy even missed that question, because he was too preocuppied in his mind, where tried to find out what is wrong with him. He knew that in certain situations, the presence of Brett makes him nervous and cautious but he couldn't make out the reason why. Brett waved his hand in front of Eddy's face and Eddy, startled by this sudden action, finally realized, that Brett is speaking to him. 

,,Hey, Eddy, are you listening me? I asked you a question." Brett wore a confused and worried expression. Eddy looked at him and apologized to him.

,,So I will ask you one more time. What's the matter? You are quite weird lately. And now you don't even pay attention and space out like this. Is everything okay?"

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