What the Hurricane Set in Motion BY:N1t3sh4d3

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What the Hurricane Set in Motion


Black pearl sand sparkled along sage waters, while wispy, almond clouds hid the amber sun. They’d landed earlier to negotiate admission of the local people, Om'irs, to the Coalition after chasing away a Galra fleet. The promise of a beautiful sunset and a great feast was enough for Lance and Hunk to try to persuade Allura to let them have a relaxing beach day. Surprisingly, Shiro supported the idea. “A morale boost would be nice,” he said. Allura relented when King Boinayel and his grandmother, the High Queen Atabei, laughingly granted permission. 

That night, Lance, Hunk, and Shiro watched the sunset from the shore. The low waves complemented the perfect backdrop that the deep yellows, oranges, and reds the sinking sun painted. Magenta faded into lilac and finally royal purple. A quartz colored moon hung in a blackberry sky, stars sparkling like gems. 

Slightly salty air kissed their cheeks as Hunk looked over smiling, "It's been too long since I've seen the beach. It’s almost perfect. If I close my eyes....nope. Nevermind. The air isn't salty enough. And the water is too flat."

Lance grinned. "Reminds me of home, the Gulf is pretty calm." 

“I haven’t been to the beach since I was a kid. It’s really nice.” Shiro sounded wistful. 

Hunk and Lance looked at him in surprise. “But Japan is an island? There are hundreds of beaches!”

Shiro chuckled. “My grandparents refused to go to the beach once we moved near the Garrison.” At the curious looks from the other two, he sighed. “My parents were killed in a tsunami when I was 4. The next year, we had several typhoons and another major tsunami. After that, my grandparents were done with the sea.” He smiled solemnly at their sorrowful faces. “Hey, it’s okay. It happens right? My grandparents were wonderful to me growing up and I’ve been trying to make the best out of life since.”

Hunk nodded sympathetically. “I get it. Sorta. I mean, it’s not as traumatic... but I moved when I was younger too. My dad got a job offer at one of the big hotels in Hawaii. It’s nice but it wasn’t the same - so many cultural changes and different beaches. After moving to the Garrison, I was only able to go back over the summer.”

They stood silently for a few minutes before Lance grinned, “That’s it, we’re making up for lost beach time tomorrow.”

The next day dawned with streaks of reds and oranges highlighting puffy clouds drifting on a light breeze. Lance stood at the shoreline watching the horizon, lost in thought. 

Pidge ended a conversation with a younger scientist when she noticed Lance standing alone. “Hey Lance, c'mon! We know you were the one that was so excited to see the ocean, but Hunk has food!”

Allura helped Shiro and Keith lay out towels as Coran planted the umbrella. Their colorful swimsuits reflected a promised day of fun as Hunk laid out a feast from a picnic blanket. He’d been thrilled that the cooks let him help prepare their lunch.

“This blue fruit almost tastes like pineapple and the orange is closer to coconut. That purple one has a banana flavor and the dark green like papaya! Isn’t it amazing? They even have a few types of seafood that are similar to what we know! Shiro, this sapphire one is just like tuna.” 

They laughed as they ate, the wind nipping at the towels. Hunk pouted at Pidge’s suspicious expression while eyeing dessert. “I SWEAR these are not scaultrite lens cookies! They’re more like a chocolate sugar cookie. Oh and Lance! Check out this bread? I know it’s maroon but it’s baked exactly like Cuban bread!”  

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