A Batman Guitar

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I sat on the sofa my feet propped up on the coffee table, my sisters magazine were now sprawled across the floor to make room for my feet. As Friends played in front of my eyes, this show literally never gets old no matter how many times you watch the same episode over and over again. My empty cereal bowl sat in my lap as my lips nursed the cup of coffee which was placed against my rose lips waiting to sip. Blowing over the edge I tried to cool down the fresh drink, the steam floated to up out of the cup as I laughed at the scene on the screen.

After regaining my posture from laughing at another one of Joey’s many adventures, my attention crept to the clock “damn” springing off of the sofa, my coffee splashed everywhere due to the sudden movement. Cursing to myself I ran my hand through my dirty blonde hair as I watched the coffee run off the coffee table, all over the floor and on to Katie’s magazines.

Sprinting to the kitchen, I dropped the cup and bowl into the sink “I am dead” mumbling i grabbed a cloth and the bin, before I ran back into the lounge. Picking up Katie’s dripping magazines I threw them in the bin and began mopping up the rest of the coffee, throwing the tv remote on to the sofa I began work on the floor as the smell of hot chocolate radiated off of it. Throwing the cloth on top of the magazines, I sighed in frustration as I looked down at the large wet patch on the floor.

My eyes travelled to the clock again and this time my feet kicked into action. Speeding up the stairs, I jumped over Felix; Katie’s cat. Tearing into my room, I ripped open my wardrobe and pulled on some clean underwear. Pulling out a pair of ripped skinny jeans, I jumped around my room pulling them on. Do you ever get that when putting your jeans on feels like their ten times smaller. Hurrying back over to my wardrobe I put on some deodorant before pulling out my ‘Hard Rock Cafe’ top.

I grabbed my denim jacket with felt sleeves and shrugged it on over the top. Running my brush through my hair I let it hang down, with no time to straighten out the slight kinks in it and just shoved a beanie on top. Throwing my backpack on to my shoulders, I grabbed my key and phone and took off down the stairs. Sprinting out the front door, I locked it behind me. Spinning round I leaped over the small wall in front of my house and sprinted towards the bus stop.

Not even half way there, the bus rolled passed and stopped up the road “hey wait, hang on” I shouted at the top of my lungs, throwing my arms in the air as I ran. But the grumpy, old sod who drives the bus pulled away as I was about four strides from the back of the bus “Son of a bitch” I yelled as I slowly stopped, checking the time, I was now five minutes late and it would take the next bus 20 minutes to get here.

Weighing up my options, I huffed as my last option was to run for it. Taking off I prepared for the twelve block run.


Luke’s p.o.v…

“I promise she will be here, she’s never normally late” the girl in a red jacket pleaded as Tony paced to his seat “it’s worth the wait, I promise” my heart fell for her slightly as panic covered her face.

“I Feel sorry for them, but Tony won’t move on” Harry whispered to Niall, who were sat in front of us.

“I might have to, we have another band to see yet” Tony commented as he took his seat again “they have the look we were looking for but without the lead singer they can’t really do a lot”

“give them a bit longer, she might turn up” Liam pushed as his eye wandered over the group of three standing on stage, instruments ready to go but no singer.

“Luke if you ever do this to us, i’ll castrate you okay” Calum chuckled to me as I took a sip of the diet coke which had been lying in my lap. My eyes travelled back to the band, everyone on stage looked completely different to one another. The girl sat at the drum kit, had a plate running down the left side of her head and sat in a hoodie and shorts. She kept drumming along to herself quietly as if to pass the time.

The girl to the right of the stage stood in a simple shirt and jeggings. Her red hair was pulled up into a ponytail at the back of her head, as she strummed carefully on her guitar. She had wandered over to the other girl and was busy whispering something in her ear. The other girl on the stage had been the one pleading with Tony. She had black hair and stood shorter than the other girl, she was in a spotty skirt and red top.

“right girls...she has..” Tony was cut short as the door at the back of the theater slammed open.


Hi, so i haven't uploaded in a while and I've had this sat on my computer for months....yes i know it's short (and terrrible) and yes I know it has a point of view change but trust me this only happens twice promise x leave a commet, vote or follow x 

See ya later x C

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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