Please let me go!

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My life hasn't always been the best, my mum was abusing and an alcoholic. My father well my father left when I was younger but I never met him he has a new life with a new wife and a son who again I never met. And here I am my mum screaming at me telling me I'm a waste of space and pathetic in witch I agree I have no meaning in this life.

My mum left to the club only five minutes ago after hitting me repeatedly with bottles Blood drips from my now split lip well I guess I can get a lip ring know *sarcasm* I sigh standing up I started to clean up the broken bottles that my mum used to beat me with, I don't expect you to feel sympathy for me. And I don't want it from you or anyone.

Slowly I walk up the stairs to my room, my room is small but I like it, it has just enough room for a bed and a closet my room is decorated with fairy lights. I have a window right above my bed the window was quite big I use it to get out of the house when my mum is home. Slowly I fell asleep.

I bet this is bad ima try to make this story interesting promise from ashhhhh

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