Khufu's Horizon - Challenge

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Khufu’s Horizon

This is a truly magnificent story. This is the story of Pharaoh Khufu, his servants and his pyramid. Once I say pyramid, you would probably think about a mummy, but this story has nothing to do with mummies, or even cursed treasure. This, as I have already said, is a truly magnificent story.

Khufu was in his late fifties when he had the dream. In it, he was fighting death as he sprinted away from the hungry crocodiles. He shouted as he woke, and realised that life, with all the similarities, is like the sun; it rises, and therefore it must set. And when his sun sets, it must set in the west.

“Fetch me the finest builder in the land,” Khufu ordered his servants the following morning. He was a stern man, with a nose that peaked into his mouth. His hair was neatly arranged in a methodical pattern, and his eyes seemed to emit power and royalty. He was a round man, and looked like a person that would smile to himself as he wakes up, but in reality, his personality resembled that of a person that steps on a sleeping dog’s tail. “Fetch me a man that could fulfil my dreams, and make history chant my name.”

His servants, as they should and always do, obeyed him. They searched for days, and brought dozens of builders, priests and noble men from across the kingdom, but none satisfied the Pharaoh. At last, the royal Vizier, Hemon, decided on a decision that would change his life forever.

He told his wife one day, “Anai, the Pharaoh seeks the architect of his dreams, he wants someone to make his name echo through history, he wants the builder of his name.”

“Has he found anyone?” His wife, Anai began. “Has the lucky man arrived?”

“Men have wandered into the palace for the past week but I know him; he will not be satisfied by those that he has seen. He will not be satisfied until someone, who knows what he desires, lays the first brick.”

“Hemon, dear, why can you not do it? Think about everything you can claim, all the gold in Egypt!”

“No, I cannot do it,” he pauses, then, “why can I not do it? I know him. I know what he desires, and I can make him applaud me.”

“Think about all we can claim, Hemon, think about all the gold in Egypt!”

“I can have wealth, land, riches! All the gold in Egypt! He will applaud me when I succeed! He will applaud me! I can do it, Anai!” His wife smiled at him. 

The following day, Hemon spoke to the Pharaoh about his desire.

“Your Highness,” he began in a soft voice. “For day, you have been seeking a man to carry you on his shoulders, but I believe none has satisfied you.” 

“Hemon, my friend,” Khufu began. “I hope you have said that because you have found someone for me.”

“Indeed, I have your majesty. Not just anyone, though, someone that knows what you want. I present to you, my lord, me.”

“Hemon! Are you for sure? You would have to abandon your holy duties and devote your time to one task. Are you sure you would like to do it?”

“I am your majesty. And who better to satisfy your needs than your friend, vizier and priest?” 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2014 ⏰

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