When do i tell him

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So tour starts in 3 days and I'm happy about it I'm so excited to see my fans and hold them and kiss them. But I always hate not have my friends around me all day 24/7 but i guess that's Wut will happen when u become famous right
Shit happened shit and things change its all apart of life at least I hope they understand that I'm doing Wut I love although it can be tiring as fuck.
You know ocean eyes came out when I was just 13 like that's crazy me and finneas was just being funny and just uploaded a whole song we never thought in a million years this was gonna happen.

{Tour has begun}

Finneas💖: Aye are u ready to go

Billie❤: Yea IG

Finneas💖: Bil??

Billie❤: Yu

Finneas💖: U don't look ok. Uk u can tell me anything I'm ur best friend.. I just wanna make sure ur ok

Billie starts crying. Fin looks at her with fear in his eyes..

"Billie please tell what's wrong" fin say to me but I didn't say anything I just hugged him I didn't want to let him go. But i knew I had to though.

I knew I was was gonna have to tell him Wut I had did or at least what me and Denzel did before tour even started damn ik I'm only 17 and my birthday is in a few months But how the fuck was I gonna tell my brother yet alone my family that I am Pregnant with denzel baby I been keeping me and denzel a secret since I turned 17 now I can't keep it a secret anymore fuck I didn't even tell denzel about the baby yet. Imma have to tell him we are literally going on tour together FML bro.

Landed in London

I went to my hotel room I need a room to myself to just think about what the fuck am I gonna say to denzel idk how he gonna react to this and I'm still shocked myself..me 17 and pregnant damn where did I go wrong. I need to call denzel to my room rt now

Bil❤:denzel I really need to talk to u about something important. Can u come to my room plz.

Den💖: yea sure on my way.

20 minutes later I heard a knock at the door . my heart was beating pretty fast but I knew if denzel wasn't ok with me having a baby. I was still gonna keep the baby even if he doesn't want to be in his or hers life I'll still be ok.

"So Wut was it u wanted to talk about" he say looking confused as if he knew something was wrong

"So imma just get straight to the point" I say my heart felt like it was about to come out of my damn chest

"Ok then say it billie" he was looking at me very worried

"Denzel I'm pregnant" I said starting to cry not knowing Wut to do or say the only thing I could do was cry and then I felt this warm hug when I looked up it was denzel.

"Baby its ok im gonna be here for u and the baby I wanna be with u I wanna marry u once u turn 19 I'm not gonna leave u. Do uk how far along u are" he asked me

"I'm 19 weeks I'm sorry I didn't tell u right when I found out but I was scared to say anything" I say to him still crying

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