Mr. Kim is an Asshole

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Mark just wanted to sleep. Mr. Kim was an asshole and decided it would be a good idea to assign a ten page essay with a hard due date of tomorrow. It was three am, Mark's blood was made of coffee and he was going to die. Just as Mark fell into the sweet embrace of death, the sound of music way too loud to be playing at ass o'clock in the morning invaded his eardrums.

Mark slammed his head into his desk before resignedly stomping over to the window. He brushed aside the blinds before throwing it open.

"Oi, Hyuck!" he called. Mark watched as Donghyuck opened his window and stuck his head out, an irritated expression on his face.


"Turn down the Michael Jackson, it's too loud and I'm trying to do homework."


Mark frowned. "Haven't your parents tried to stop you? You're disturbing the whole neighborhood again. People are gonna complain."

Donghyuck snorted. "Trust me they've tried. But I'm a bad bitch, they can't stop me. I can't say much about you though, I bet you haven't broken a single rule since that time you brought home that cat in second grade."

"That just means I'm a good person!" Mark cried indignantly.

Donghyuck snorted, an incredulous look on his face.

"I'm just trying to keep you out of trouble," Mark huffed. "Heaven knows you get into enough as it is."

"It's not my fault our neighbors aren't intellectuals."

"Hyuck, this is Korea."

"Maybe if you stanned Michael Jackson you'd understand," Donghyuck sniffed.

"Who even listens to Michael Jackson in this day and age anyway?" Mark regrets those words the moment they leave his mouth. Donghyuck could gush about Michael Jackson for hours. Mark knows. He's been forced to listen to his 3 am rants more times than he can count.

Donghyuck gasped indignantly, eyebrows furrowed and a frown on his lips. "Who wouldn't listen to the King of Pop!" Donghyuck scoffed, offended. "I'll have you know, Canada, that he is a legend and all his songs are classics!"

Mark rolled his eyes. "Hyuck, they're classics in America," he retorted. "Here is Korea man don't forgot, okay," Mark mocked, quoting Donghyuck's words from an earlier conversation.

Donghyuck grinned at the fond memory before drawling "Oh, Canada."

Donghyuck leaned back to turn the volume of the music down a few notches. "So we don't have to yell," he supplied when he noticed Mark's, befuddled face.

"Oh thank god," Mark said. "I thought someone would have to call the cops again."

"Why do they do that anyway?" Donghyuck questioned, pouting.

"It's cuz you play thriller at three am."

"Huh, maybe you're right."

"You know I am."

"Do you think they'll stop if I do it everyday? I mean, they'll have to get used to it at some point."

"Hyuck, no."

"It was worth a shot."

Mark sighed. "Maybe if you played music a little bit more suitable for three am?" he offered, "or better yet, just didn't play music at all"

"You know that's impossible," Donghyuck retorted.

"Oh! I know!" Mark exclaimed, a sparkle in his eyes.

"Mark I'm not going to play your soundcloud library," Donghyuck interrupted.


"It would just make the neighbors call the cops faster!"

"What does that mean!"


Sunlight filtered through the open window, causing Mark to grimace and pull his blanket higher over his head.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead! You'll need to get up if you want to make it on time to school," Taeyong, Mark's older brother, chirped as he slammed open the door to Mark's bedroom.

"What time is it?" Mark groaned feebly as he rubbed his eyes and stretched. He was never a morning person.



Mark scrambled out of bed and dashed into the bathroom, ignoring Taeyong's indignant cry of "No cursing!" Frantically searching for his toothbrush, Mark ran his fingers through his hair and inspected his appearance in the bathroom. He looked like shit.

Mark desperately tried to make himself presentable, eventually just giving up and resigning himself to living life with tufts of hair on one side of his head sticking up. Curse his perpetual bed head.

Mark hurried into his room,and pulled on his uniform, throwing his pajamas onto the floor along the way. His mom would drop kick him back to Canada if she saw the state of his room. Grabbing his backpack, Mark rushed out the door and stumbled down the stairs. Taeyong laughed as Mark tripped over his own feet in his haste.

Donghyuck was waiting for Mark at the gate of his house, and Mark jogged to keep him from waiting.

"You look like shit," Donghyuck greeted, as the pair ambled towards their school.

"And whose fault is that? " Mark retorted, rolling his eyes.

"You," the younger answered, flaunting his glowing skin and impeccable hair.

"How do you look that good anyway."

"Some of us are born beautiful."


"Jealousy is a disease bitch. Get well soon."

The two chattered on as they made their way towards school, the bell ringing just as they passed the gate.

"Did you ever finish that essay Mr. Kim assigned?"

"Fuck," Mark groaned running his fingers anxiously through his hair. "Mr. Kim's gonna kill me!"

Donghyuck laughed obnoxiously as Mark wallowed in his misfortune.


Mark slid into his seat as the bell rang. He was right on time. Dropping his backpack by his feet, Mark swiveled around in his chair to watch Mr. Kim begin the lesson.

"I hope you all finished your essays," Mr. Kim stated, his piercing eyes scanning the room. "As you all know I don't accept late work."

Mark died inside with that statement. Slumping in his seat, Mark prepared for his impending doom.

Sensing his not so internal strife, Jeno whispered "Hey, what happened?"

Mark slid down further in his seat in response. "I didn't finish my essay," he told the desk.

Jeno winced in sympathy. "Feels bad man."

Mark snuck a glance at Mr. Kim. He was halfway across the room and busy tearing a student a new one.

"Do you think I could get away with pretending to have already turned it in?" he muttered, leaning his chair towards Jeno, almost tipping it over in the process.

"No probably not," Jeno responded. "You're a shit liar."

Mark wrinkled his nose in distaste. "What does that mean!" he yelped indignantly.

"The real question here is why you don't have your essay Mr. Lee," Mr. Kim stated.

"Uh," Mark said stupidly.

"Uh," Mr. Kim parroted, an eyebrow arching up.

"I forgot to do it," Mark muttered.

"I can see that," Mr. Kim drawled. "You will be getting no points for this assignment I'm afraid."

Mark sulked. There goes his A+ student facade.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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