1 - truth or dare

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Jungkook had always fallen for the bad boys.

It was disgustingly cliche of him, and he knew it, but something about them drew him in.

Maybe it was the sense of adventure, the danger that came with knowing they could probably stab him in the back at any point. Or maybe it was the thrill that came with doing something bad, putting a dent in his otherwise perfect, fault void behaviour. It also could have been their image. The pushed back hair, the dark clothes that violated about every rule in the school's dress code, the cigarettes that fell from their lips without care, their piercing eyes.

Jungkook had always fallen for the bad boys.

But it always ended up badly for him.

He wasn't scared to admit to the person he liked, nor was he subtle in his innocent flirting, (although, he didn't realise half the things he said).

But either way, he ended up with minor heartbreak, which resulted in a night of cuddles and junk food shared with his best friends, Park Jimin and Jung Hoseok.

He had been lifelong friends with the two after meeting in their first dance class at the age of 5. They ended up growing up together and became amazing dancers, and even closer friends over the years.

Knowing each other for so long also gave the boys a chance to learn exactly how to cheer Jungkook up after a rejection or a date gone wrong. They always ended up warning him, telling him to say away from the 'bad boys' of the school, though Jimin was a slight hypocrite as he was dating one of the school's resident bad boys, Min Yoongi, but that was brushed aside more often than not when his friends decided to lecture him.

The words never really sunk in though.

Jungkook had always fallen for the bad boys. But this time, it might have gone right for him.

Jungkook had a new crush.

Despite the warnings of his friends (they didn't mean what they said anymore, they knew he wasn't going to listen), he set out on a mission to ask out his latest conquest.

Except for this time, he was nervous.

Kim Taehyung was different from the others, scarier.

There had been rumours surrounding him from a very young age. He's part of a gang, he's a murderer, he deals drugs to watch people's lives fall apart. All very stupid lies, made up purely due to his image, but despite knowing they weren't true, Jungkook still found himself scared to approach the elder.

They had been paired up in their chemistry class once, and though Jungkook was too busy crushing on someone else to take him in properly, he knew that Taehyung was attractive. His icy glare had pierced Jungkook's skin every time he sat down next to Taehyung throughout their project, and Jungkook felt intimidated ever since.

So this time, his friends had to watch him suffer over a crush instead of over heartbreak, and they weren't sure what to do.

It was a Friday night after dance practice, and the three friends had gathered together for a sleepover. This was a monthly event that they all very much enjoyed. They stayed the night at Jimin's house when his parents went away for their date weekend.

This time, they decided to play truth or dare.

They were a fair way into the game when Jimin asked Jungkook,

"Truth or dare?"

Jungkook thought for a moment before answering with "Dare."

Jimin's smile widened slightly, before leaning over to share ideas with Hoseok, whispering in his ear. Hoseok's smile grew even wider still.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2019 ⏰

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