Mabel X Reader (Romantic)

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     The car ride was boring, for some reason your parents thought that a cross state field trip would be a wonderful idea to introduce you to your new surroundings since you were moving to Oregon and from what you've seen of the plan you were gonna stop at every tourist trap in a 50 mile radius. So now you were in Gravity Falls, the town right over from where you moved, and you parked in front of 'The Mystery Shack', the place practically screamed scam but your parents insisted "Oh you've always been interested in monsters, why don't you wanna go in here?" your mom asked you, and you really didn't feel like explaining how everything in thee was most definitely gonna be fake and most likely shoddily made.

    And surprise, surprise everything in there was exactly like you expected it to be, there was absolutely no effort put into any of it, and you didn't understand how anyone could find it interesting in the slightest. And then, like all good, totally not-scams, it ended in a gift shop. So now, you were left looking through the countless useless knick knacks that littered the shelves. You saw a skull of some imaginary creature and, even though you knew it was fake, it looked pretty neat. So you picked it up but as soon as you moved it you saw a face staring at you, and you yelped dropping the hunk of plastic, and you grabbed your chest as you took a moment to catch your breath. "Hi! I'm Mabel" an overly cheerful voice practically yelled in your ears, you looked up and saw that it was the girl that had been staring at you through the shelf. She was rather cute, you had to admit, and you waved in response, and she giggled. "So you come here often?" Mabel asked attempting to look suave by resting her arm on the shelf but promptly slipping. You laughed and Mabel popped right back up and beamed at you.

     "Mabel, what did Grunkle Stan say about you bothering people in here?" a boy appeared from behind another shelf, clearly having watched the whole thing go down.
"Don't unless it's to sell them something?" Mabel answered his question. Dipper seemed embarrassed, and grabbed her arm to pull her away. 
"No, wait" you gently stopped him smiling at Mabel, he seemed to pick up on the signal and let her go.
The boy looked at Mabel, and you just they must've been related from the way that they seemed to have a whole conversation by just looking at each other. "I'm Y/N," you said once the boy had left, Mabel grinned at you once again before grabbing your hand and leading over to the counter of the gift shop. "Sorry about that guy from earlier, he's my brother, Dipper, and he always tries to ruin any fun" she said as you were walking over. Mabel was a very cheery person and talked enough for the both of you but she had quickly grown on you, something that didn't happen with many people.

     Your parents eventually came over with their hands full of trinkets, and saw you talking to Mabel, "Y/N did you make a friend?" your mom asked you
"Oh yeah, this is Mabel" you said gesturing to her and she waved at your parents and they both smiled at her.
"Well it's nice to meet you Mabel," your mom said as she began unloading everything on to the counter, much to the annoyance of the red head working behind the counter. "Maybe you would like to come over some time, we don't live too far away," your mom continuously talked to Mabel until you interrupted her.
"Moooom" you said and you cast her a pleading glance, and your mom and dad instantly understood and smiled at you, you began walking away with Mabel as you began to walk away with mabel by your side. "Sorry about them, they're always butting in" you began, but Mabel just waved her hand.
"So you don't want me to come over?" Mabel asked and you stopped talking and your mouth opened.
"Wait what?" you asked and Mabel giggled
"Do you want me to come over?" Mabel asked again
"No, no, no- I mean yes, I do want you to come over. Although only if you want I mean it's no big deal if-" mabel cut you off with a kiss on your cheek.
"Alright then it's a date"

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⏰ Última actualización: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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