The Beginning

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Pg. 1

"No. N-No! I-I don't want to d-die!" She screamed as she ran through the thick dark forest in an attempt to escape her murderer. She ran and ran until she couldn't anymore. She eventually decided to stop leaning herself against a giant tree, she couldn't tell what tree she just knew it would help her relax for a while. Then before she knew it BAM she was killed quickly by one swing on the man's silver axe.

Pg. 2

"MIKE! I told you not to kill me! I only had one heart left." Sam whined to her older brother "Sorry sis, I just couldn't resist your reaction is just so funny." Mike retorted. After their little squabble the door opened and closed. The two looked at each other then jumped up running to the door as fast as they could. "PAPÁ!" They screamed together. "Hola niños, how was your day?" Their father questioned "good" Sam started "but mike wouldn't stop killing me in mine craft." Sam started sounding irritated. Both mike and their father started laughing. Sam just sat their getting more and more irritated as the laughing continued. When the laughter died down it was time for dinner. The three decided on having some chicken, thickly coated in barbecue sauce and cooked just perfectly. For the side dish they decided on steaming some broccoli and quickly heating up some mashed potatoes from the night before. This was Sam's favorite dinner, and was truly excited and could not wait to fill her mouth with the soft potatoes and tasty chicken, though she completely avoided the broccoli not wanting to spoil her dinner. Sam, mike, and their father were completely full, so full they felt as if they would pop.

Pg. 3

With her stomach completely full she made her way up the stairwell. Each step covered in nice soft carpet, each one seeming more comforting than the last. Sam made her way to a white door that held a big pink 'S' that was outlined in a bright green. She opened the labeled door quickly turning the lights on and changing into her pajamas. Just before she got in bed she went over to the wall that was brightly colored to make the closet seem less scary. She traced the bright pink lines , the blue polka dots, and the lime green swirls. After every green swirl she took one deep breath, holding it for 7 seconds then breathing out. She repeated this action at least ten times, each time beginning to calm down a bit. She eventually made her way to the pastel pink bed she had the wall behind it making the bed seem brighter than it actually was. Sam quickly made her way to the bed, lifting the fluffy soft comforter and getting in. Realizing she forgot to turn the light off she called for her brother. Mike came in the room walking over to her sister. "What do you need sam?" The other boy questioned. Sam blinked, completely zoning out, until mike moved her hair away from her eyes. He stared at his little sisters bright blue and almond brown eyes. "I don't know why you hide your eyes sam I think they are pretty." Mike told her in a calming tone. Sam smiled and her older brother and hugged him tightly. "Could you turn the light off and possibly leave the door open?" Sam asked. "Sure, good night sam." "Night mike!" and just like that he was gone. Sam was scared but decided to try to get some sleep tonight due to her being deprived of it almost every night unless she is sleeping with her father.

Pg. 4

When sam woke up she was greeted by a pitch black mass above her. She tried to scream but she couldn't, it wouldn't let her.. she thrashed and tried to move as much as she could to make some sort of sound, then before he knew it, she sat up quickly looking around her lightly lit room. She looked to her clock reading '5:30'. "I-its morning?" She got out of her bed looking outside seeing the sun in the sky she smiled. "I lasted the night!" She quickly ran to her door then stopped hesitating to grab the door knob. She turned around as if there was something behind her. When she looked behind her all she could see was black as if her mind was playing tricks on her but it was no trick. She blinked rapidly and started to hyperventilate. She screamed as her door opened her brother coming into her room to make sure she was awake and ready for school. " Are you okay? You look like you just saw a ghost" he joked but his laugh quickly faded after he remembered what type of dreams she has. "I'm fine Mike.. I'll start getting ready you go wait for me downstairs." he nodded his head then closed the door. She went to her closet that was one color and very bland compared to the rest of her room. She opened the door and grabbed a random shirt that was a very light blue color and the shirt felt as if it was made of pure cotton. She went to her dresser and grabbed a pair of blue jeans and quickly slipped them on. Sh looked down at her feet and grabbed black sock and ran downstairs after putting them on. Her father handed her a piece of toast, which she quickly ate as she put her shoes on. She grabbed her backpack and walked over to the door where her brother patiently waited for her looking down at his phone. From what she could see he was playing some sort of matching game, she cleared her throat startling her brother slightly but he looked at her and smiled. "Adios papa!" the two shouted to their father in the kitchen "adios ninos!" he shouted back before they shut the door and started walking toward the bus stop. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2019 ⏰

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