me being illiterate and typing a 748 word response

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i can't. I just got an announcement directed towards me. Not saying the persons name ofc because I mean no ill will at all. I just... sighhhh.

Here's the situation btw. Me and SU(Specific User) used to follow each other, we cool with each other, etc. Said user makes a post on how Melanie Martinez sexualizes children, and any people who like Melanie should unfollow her.


honestly in my opinion that's a pretty bold accusation and also a whole bunch of bullshit. SU goes on to say that everyone who supports Melanie supports a "pedophile" or something along those lines. In response, I wrote a long paragraph explaining why Melanie doesn't sexualize children, at least in my eyes. I'll post that paragraph in a separate announcement. SU deletes the post where they said Mel sexualizes children and posts about how people keep on "attacking her". They also post about how Melanie triggers her "PTSD". I don't think the user is lying about ptsd, but ptsd shouldn't be the excuse for everything. at the time, I was just like, "ok that's kinda dumb but I'll move on."

Until... a post from the person seemed to be directed towards *me*.
"If one more person comes at me for not supporting Melanie Martinez I'm gonna snap." Not the part about me yet, not a bad post so far, just a plead to idk... stop? The thing is, if they don't want people talking about Melanie then... don't post about her?

"I don't care about your opinion" Okay, if you don't care then don't post about it ig? I care about your opinion only because of the fact that you painted her supporters as people who are endorsing child sexualization... it's not. In the post where I responded to the users comment I linked a video explaining the situation better than me, I'll put some video links about the Melanie drama near the end.

"I don't care about you writing a fucking essay on why I should like her" ... this is the part directed towards me. I wrote *two* long comments on why Melanie isn't a pedophile of any sort and how she isn't a rapist. In BOTH of those comments I stated how I don't like Melanie Martinez, OR her music. Hell, I didn't even like her movie.. I didn't tell SU to like them, I told SU that she wasn't a pedophile or rapist. I get it for the "sexualizing children" point because it is subjective but... we've been knew that the rape accusations were fake. Timothy consented. That's that. But even for the sexualizing children part, it's a very bold accusation as it isn't even true. My comment clearly couldn't get the point across to them, so I'll put the video in the end of this announcement and my next announcement, including my old message. Her not liking Melanie isn't the problem. Her pushing the "Mel is a pedophile and rapist" agenda down everyone's throat I'd not okay, especially since it, I don't know... isn't true? Lmao.

"I don't care about you and you attacking me over it" why post about it then... I haven't made a post about SU on my account until now...

"Just stop and accept the fact that I
don't want to support a borderline sex offender." ... *bruh sound effect 2* That's cute and all but like... she isn't? If you're referring to the rape situation then that was proven a false accusation AGES ago. Literally. Thought it was common knowledge but ig not? If SU was referring to the theory on Mel "sexualizing children," haha. I made a whole ass comment with a bunch of evidence on how that isn't true... I can't even, this is too long already. Just watch the videos I link or read my new announcement.

tl;dr don't go on the internet if you take other people not agreeing with you wrongly, so wrongly to the fact you portray them as supporting a sex offender.

X Video Links X

Why Melanie DOESN'T sexualize children:

Melanie is innocent:

Why the Melanie rape allegations are false:

Please note with the PTSD situation: I Don't doubt SU having ptsd, but using it as an excuse ain't gonna cut it. Why? The person making these videos, DEFENDING Melanie, have been sexually assaulted before, proving that even if you have trauma, you can defend Melanie.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2019 ⏰

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