Chapter 1: Loneliness

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Death was all he had ever thought about. He wanted to end his life. Escape from this ridiculous nightmare of his. What was the point of living again? Oh, right. Enjoying life. How could he possibly enjoy life, when everything is upside down? His parents aren't supportive as people expects their parents to be. His mother was weak, she would let him play his video games all day long, doesn't care what he was doing. His father, an abusive old sag kept throwing him against the walls; bruising every inch of his body. He couldn't help but to love them, he didn't care. They were the one who had created him, they were the one whom brought him to life. Moving, touching. The only thing that he despise was his classmates. They aren't the nicest classmate, they're a piece of rags. Laying around, wanted to get attention for them to be thrown away. Of course, it didn't bothered him much. As long as his best friend stay by his side, it would all be alright. He couldn't expect his childhood best friend, Liu Woods, the smartest, and handsomest guy to abandon him. He couldn't. It would be heartbreaking if he ever did.

Ben stayed silent throughout the whole class. He couldn't think of anything to say, nor could he pay much attention in his class. He sometimes wished that he'd be a freshman again, a fresh start. All he'd wish for was for his classmates to stop all the unnecessary gossips about him. But that couldn't be rearranged.

"Guys, isn't it scary-weird for a person to have seriously pitched black eyes with red irises?" A football player, beautiful as he was, annoyed Ben in so many different ways. His desire was to crash, bust out of this shielded window and fly, fly like the birds. That couldn't be rearrange either. It's impossible for humans to grow wings and fly.

"You can talk shit about me, but leave my friend out of this." His eyes pierced the electret green eyed boy. He sealed his lips, knowing that Ben could be very dangerous in certain time. Earlier in their childhoods, they used to be best friends but now they are no longer close. Something separated them, causing many scars behind them. Both of them couldn't remember what had separated them, so they continue their life as it went along.


After school, it was difficult for him to walk back to his dearest apartment. The smell of lemon fill his beautiful structured nose, causing him to turned around. It was his best friend, Liu. He held a bush of beautiful red roses in his hands. Ben noticed that he was gripping it firmly, causing his friends' hands to bleed.

"Liu?" Ben, confused, stepped forward. His eyes were a dark orbs, a beautiful color. He continued walking toward him, taking his hands away from the rose. Blood touched Ben's hands. The smell of it reminded him about his horrible past that his dad had caused. He would drowned him in the pond that was close to their house, he was kind of happy when he left his home. Somehow, a faint touch of happiness and guilt touched his heart when he hugged his mother goodbye and grinned at his abusive father.

"Ben?" Liu eyes flickered, the smell of fresh roses filled his nose. He realized that he was holding a bush of roses. The pain stabbed through his palms, arms, and brain. He blinked in confusion but didn't let go of the roses. Ben eyes glued to Liu's, worries flooded through him. The blood slide down Ben's arms, the feeling of it sickened him. He should've gotten used to it from all the games he had played over the past decade. Honestly, Dead Space must've been the best, the top most obsessive game he loved(aside from Majora's Mask!).

"You're bleeding, are you alright?" Ben grabbed whole of Liu's injured and bloody hands. He tore a piece of his own school uniform and tied it firmly around both of his hands, so it would stop the bleeding. Liu stared down at Ben, his golden hair shined in the sun. For a moment, he thought that maybe he had fallen for this hopeless treasure. He couldn't tell what love was, or how to feel it. The pain of throbbing, that was what his brother told him.

Liu's heart skipped a beat, What was that? He stared at Ben when he finished tying his wounds. The smell of fresh blood fill his nose, the beautiful scent. He loved that scent, though it brought unwanted memories of his past.

The wind blew, leafs floating as if there was no gravity. The silence filled the empty streets, the leafs looked like blood; hitting the floor with a crunch sound. He had never lived like this, felt anything like this for someone. Ben, he thought.

"I think that that will do, you should go home and disinfect it." Ben eyed Liu. His brownish orbs shinned beautifully.

"What if I don't have those equipments?" He had a poker face, hand in his pockets. He grinned. The pained stabbed through his veins, it was a mistake for him to put his hand in his pocket. Biggest mistake. It felt like shit. "Oh, this is for you!" Liu handed Ben the rose with his other hand that wasn't in his pocket and doesn't hurt as much. Ben didn't hesitate to take the gorgeous roses.

"Thanks," He sniffed the roses, it had no scent but it was still beautiful. The best thing was; his best friend gave it to him. "Well, you should go visit the nurse and let her check it out. I suggest you to, since you wouldn't want it to get infected, would you?"

"I guess. Well, I'll talk to you tomorrow!" He waved, and turned around, leaving Ben by himself and a bush of roses. Ben stared ahead at the empty, dark, pathway. It was around 5:40PM and it gets dark around where he lived.

He knew that he had to throw aside his imagination of someone following him, then eventually kill him for having no cash on him. He should've brought some cash, maybe even five dollar; but no. He left his wallet at home, sitting in the counter alone. He help that no one would bust in his apartment and steal a little bit of the cash he had left. His apartment stood beside a forest, a forest that had creepy legends. Many stories had pasted around his neighborhood, telling everyone to stay away from it because a killer lived there. Ben thought if a killer were to live there, why didn't they send in troops of officers or so, so they could arrest that asshole? All they told him was; When you go in, you will never come out. Many tried, but failed. He was confused, but not stupid. He listened.

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