The Orange

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~Kermit's POV~
Another day of filming. I've always felt like I was meant for something more then acting in children's shows and movies, and the special guest appearance I had was making on Sesame Street today wasn't making me feel any different. I was supposed to be filming a sketch about oranges with Cookie Monster in about 1 hour, but it was tempting to just stay in bed. I eventually decided I must get up and get ready to go. I've never particularly liked making guest appearances on Sesame Street. Especially not after that fight that dumbass Elmo and I had last year. I admired my beautiful bald head, took off my pajamas, and put on my best pair of shoes . I walked out of my trailer and started to make my way to the recording studio. I admired my freshly shaven legs as they sparkled in the morning sun. Ever since I found out that pig cheated on me and I dumbed her ass my life has been so much better. But I feel as if something is missing.
~Cookie Monsters POV~
I sat in the recording room munching on a cookie as I waited for Kermit to arrive. He was always late to recordings. Kermit walked through the door with a look of annoyance on his face "sorry I'm late" he sighed and sat down in the chair next to me. "Are we ready to start?" the director asked. Kermit gave a thumbs up as I shoved the remainder of my chocolate chip cookie into my mouth and then did the same. "3, 2, 1, action!" The Director clapped his hands and the dot on the camera turned red.

I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach as Kermit yelled "of course it's an orange!". But why? There's is no reason for me to feel this way, unless..... no. I got over that long ago, and even if I did, it's not possible. at least not after what happened last year......
~~~~flash back~~~~~
"Kermit, I-I um I." "What is it Cookie? You know you can tell me anything, I'm your best friend." I had invited Kermit to come hangout at the Orange nightclub, the place we first met, to tell him something very important. I took a deep breath. "Kermit, I like you. No, I don't just like you, I love you." I felt butterflies in my stomach, I stared into Kermit's beautiful emerald green eyes. Say something you sexy frog gosh darn it! If no one said anything soon I was sure I was going to puke. "I-I'm sorr-" before I could finish apologizing Kermit pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him back, putting my hands around his neck and pulling him closer. Kermit and I spent the rest of the night dancing and, well, you know. I looked at the time, 1:06 am. I cringed as I thought about the fact that I had to get wake up at 6:00 am. I sighed "I better get going". "Let me walk you to your car." The sexy frog said. we walked through the nightclubs parking lot under the full moon towards my car. "Hey blue boy! I don't like your shoes!" A cheerful voice yelled from across the parking lot. Elmo. Elmo was a world class jackass, don't believe everything you see on TV. "What did you say asshole?!" Kermit asked. I could see his eyes turn from the emerald green I know and love to a almost red shade, his face contorted into that face he makes when he's filled with a deep anger.

"I said I don't like his shoes!" I can't believe he said that so loud! That is one of the worst insults one can say

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"I said I don't like his shoes!" I can't believe he said that so loud! That is one of the worst insults one can say.  "Kermit, please don't do anything rash." I said. "Oh I'm gonna show this red bitch a piece of my mind!" He yelled, his voice full of anger. "Kermit no!" I yelled as he Naruto ran towards Elmo. I gasped as Kermit's hand slapped across Elmo's face, a loud SLAP sound could be heard from a mile away.
~flashback over~

The orange that was not a cookie (Kermit x Cookie Monster) Where stories live. Discover now