A Friend. Chapter 1.

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"I'm sorry Katie, if only i didnt leave then matt would still be alive" a fourteen shiro said in a low voice, his eyes stared at the floor not daring to look at the ten year old girl. He sat on his knees feeling like he betrayed the only people he cared for in such a horrible world.

"rise shiro, your not the one who killed my brother" Katie, the ten year old vampire girl that watched her brother die while their friend was out on a job. 

"Katie" Shiro siad with a sadden frown and tears in his eyes as he looked to his friend sister.

"i killed my brother not you, so please dont blame yourself .. blame me" Katie cried, tears falling from her hazel once bright but now dull eyes. Her tears soaked her cute freckles making them shine a little. Her long hazel hair blowing gently in the wind behind her and the fourteen boy stood up wrapping his arms around the crying girl. 

"i promise matt that i would protect you Katie" Shiro said in a gentle voice as he hugged the crying girl.



"a hunter base" Katie asked.

"yes its where i work" shiro replied as he took his jacket off.

"but wont they try and kill me ... i am a vampire" Katie asked with fear.

"not if your human" shiro said with a smirk.

"how hard did i punch you" Katie asked with worry and crossed her arms.

"hard but we make you into a new person, we creature a secret identity" Shiro grinned and Katie lifted an eyebrow. 

"what about blood .. if i dont drink enough i turn crazy and become a wild vampire" Katie replied and shiro rubbed the back of his neck.

"steal some of mine during the night like your been doing and we train you to become a doctor since that needed in the base often" shiro smiled kindly and ruffled Katie hair. 

"i always did want to help others but would they let a women be a doctor" Katie said with excitement but frown. 

"you be a man but that means me need to change your looks a little" Shiro said with a proud smile.

"a new me" Pidge smiled softly.

"a new us" Shiro smiled gently.

"i do it" Pidge grinned.

"thanks Katie" Shiro smiled and pulled her into a hug.

"pidge" Pidge smiled wetly.

"pidge, I'm sure matt will be glad to hear that" Shiro smiled proudly.



"shiro i passed, I'm a doctor" Pidge yelled with a huge grin as she ran into his room.

"nice work Katie" Shiro smiled and high fived the girl.

"pidge" pidge frowned.

"oh right sorry" Shiro siad embarrassed. 

"I'm a doctor at your base now and they even gave me a single room .. i check and its not far from yours" Pidge smirked.

"that great news, good work" shiro smiled and hugged the girl who was like his own little sister. 

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