Chapter 1

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When Lottie Jasmin Hathaway was only 12 years old she and her father Matthew would sit on the sofa in there two bedroom flat every evening to watch the drama series " the end of your world" based on a women who fell in love with a man that she can't be with. They would cry and laugh together every time they watched it. It was the highlight of Lottie's evening.

She lived alone with her father. She never really knew her mother. Her father would often mention how she's not one to talk about as there wasn't that much to tell. She can't remember what she looked like or sounded like so whenever she wanted to think of her she could create any image she wanted. The two of them lived in a small two bedroom flat in the north of London. They were never very wealthy and they had to be careful on how they spent money. For example they had to always look at what they needed not what they wanted. Matthews mother and father ( Jane and John) were very wealthy they lived in a big mansion over the Mayfair side of London. I know very flash! Lottie often wondered how they didn't live that life style to but she knew the feud between her father and his parents would never be settled, but that story is for another time. As Lottie grew up she got used to the lifestyle and considered herself lucky that she had somewhere to live even if the kids used to bully her at school for having cheap items like shoes and trainers.

Now in the present, Lottie is 20 about to turn 21! She had left school and had recently got a job at one of the stores in Leicester Square. She loved her job as a waitress in Garfunkel's! She always wanted to work there. It was her favourite place to eat with her dad when she was a little girl and it was one of the only restaurants they could afford.

Lottie arrived for her 1pm shift. She tied her stained apron around her waist and put her long silky brown hair into a ponytail and and went to clear a table in the outside porch area. She picked up the leftover plates of cottage pie from the last customers when somthing caught her eye. It was a man, a group of men actually all in designer suites and the most expensive shoes. Lottie took the plates inside and went back out to take the men to a table she picked up the menus and said "table for four I'm guessing?"
"We can make it five if you want?" Said one of the men in a black suit at the back.
"Shut up Lachlan" said the man in the blue suit the one who caught Lottie's eye, " I am terribly sorry for my friend here"
" not it's fine, at first I thought all of your group where quite mannered, I was jealous, kind of wished I was like you in a way  but then I realised I couldn't be you because I could never get my head that far up my own arse!" She announcec making clear eye contact with the man in the black suit.
She walked them over to there table and apologised for the inconvenience and told them she would be back to order drink in five minutes. What a starter but what will turn up for mains?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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