No Dragons In The Castle

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You are the ruler of a kingdom. Your daughter is turning 16 very soon. Most princesses coming of this momentous age usually want something elegant and just as extravagant, like a pony or her own carriage or something. Your little princess wants a dragon for her birthday.

This is a writing prompt from writing-prompt-s on tumbler


"Honey... You can't" I love my dad, but he sucks right now. All I want is a dragon for my birthday. That's it. No horse or prince or anything! I just want a dragon! "My love dragons are made to be slain! They are dangerous creatures!" My dad just won't stop telling me how bad dragons are. 

   I hate being a Princess. I am Elizabeth Nicola Princess of Maine (just call me Ellie). I hate the long dresses that come with it too. I wish I was a Potter in the town or a Master Sculptor. My father is King Richard Nicola of Maine he is a kind king however he is extremely anti dragons. He is letting my twin sister Abigail get a pet fox for her big gift. As of right now, we each have a guinea pig, mine is called Silvia and Abbie's is called Coca. 


"Silvia, this is not fair! I'm sure foxes are just as dangerous as dragons!" I understand that talking to my pet guinea pig makes me seem unstable however my bestest friend Claire is busy right now, at least I assume she is. You see she lives in the town, she is an "inventor". really she just makes random things and sometimes sells them. My dad doesn't like that I am best friends with a peasant. 

   "ELLIE! HEY ELLIE!" I can hear Claire shouting from outside my window. I take my poofy over skirt and jacket off so I can quickly exchange them for plainer ones. I shout my goodbyes to my mother as I run out the door. I can see Claire waiting for me from across the great lawn. She is wearing tight trousers and a mens blouse with a red vest. "ELLIE! Come here!" I can see she is standing with a boy. He is tall and awkward, he has ashy colored hair. This is when I realize this is Jackson: Him and I are friends. Claire insisted I payed more attention to him until I had to stop going into town because of my lessons (god I hate being a Princess). Now him and Claire are good friends. I wave to both of them. "Hi Claire!" I yell. Quickly I made my way over to them. Claire gave me a gut crushing hug while Jackson just waved. "Ellie! I found something you will love, but..... first you must come to my house!" I agreed to her proposition. 


Claire showed me many of her recent projects and other things, she gifted me a clay bead bracelet, and let me play with her cat; Loki. "OK so now.... I'm going to take you on an adventure! You're gonna want to get your sister and your bow and some arrows" She seemed very excited, lets just say this scares me. "Ummm... Why?" I should NOT need my bow or my sister for any thing I do with Claire. "Just do it...... PLEASE!" I just shook my head and walked back home.


    As I returned to Claire's house with Abbie and my hopefully unnecessary bow, I stopped by the Wonder Wall: this is the wall that surrounds our village. Claire and I call it the wonder wall because we both want to be on the other side with the plants and trees and creatures. I always wish I could climb the wall but I doubt I am strong enough. We get to the house without to much fuss. 

" YAY! Ok now...We can go on our adventure" Claire motions for all three of us to follow. She leads us down her road and straight towards the Wonder Wall. Everytime I think she is going to turn she does not. I think I know why I need my bow. Suddenly She turns around to face the group. "Ok so... we are going to climb this wall and be free. You can wimp out now or never" she says that last part looking directly at Jackson. "Are you sure?" I ask hoping the answer is no. "Yep" oh no. She really thinks we can make it over this wall. 


  We made it over the wall. It was a process but we are now walking on an ancient looking "path".  Everything is greener and cooler on this side. There are a plethora of flowers and trees and moss. I love the smell of the wild. The clean air and perfume of the flowers. We continue walking until we get to a lush mossy clearing. Here we sit and rest. "So Ellie..." Claire starts " this is my birthday present.." Umm how! "we are going to find a dragon!" Yep thats how. "And that's the reason I brought Jackson cus he knows of some small dragon breed or whatever"Jackson just nodded in agreement. I'm very excited that Claire has found a way to get me a dragon, even if it's small. "So why am I here?" Abbie says. It was just what I was thinking. "Because Abbie it's your birthday too!" Claire seems very cheerful. We all get up and continue walking until around dark we get to another clearing. Here we build a fire and tell stories. 

Stories like Eirn the Evil an evil troll, McGee the Great the hunter that is rumored to live here in the woods, and Colten the fish monster (that one is just a really big dumb fish). We tell these stories until one by one we all fall asleep.


   In the morning we begin our walking again. We have wonderful conversations. About all manner of things such as ; shelving units for ancient text scrolls; a spider legged comedian named bing-bing; our childhood friends Josie and Gracie; and the times Claire and I played in the small trees outside my house. We walk and talk and reminisce. Suddenly we can hear the sound of cracking twigs and footsteps. "RUN!" Claire shouts and grabs my hand. we run with a black cloud on our tails until after a minute or so the cloud just disappears. "WHAT WAS THAT" I yell looking around to make sure our group has stayed together. "That was an A.M.Y" Jackson speaks up " It's an Ailing Massive Yesternight" He starts to explain. "They bring sickness in the air," Ok well that's not terrifying AT ALL! 

  After all that we just sit down right where we are. After we settle and Abbie finds us some water, Jackson starts talking about how to find this breed of tiny dragon. He goes on for a while talking about them and how to take care of them. I really do hope we can find one, I let my mind wander until Claire announces that we're going to start walking again. 


I see one. Small like a Jack Russell covered in shiny scales all different blues and purples, tiny silver wings poking from it's back. Slowly I walk up to the little dragon, he hops over to me. I feel so loved. I scoop up the tiny dragon and hold him like a baby. He wiggles a snuggles into me, "Jackson? is this how big they get?" I look over to Jackson "yeah" he says slightly cooing at the tiny dragon. My father is wrong dragons are not meant to be slain they are made to be loved. I am going to love this one and name him... Opie  

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