Loss of them all

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Sven was not happy. he was miserable. Sven had just lost his mate and best friend. Felix, his best friend, had killed his mate, who was named by Felix "Sven's BF". He remembered the time they had together. He also remembered how Felix had fled to his holiday house, which Sven didn't remember where it was. He looked over at Svenson, pain in his chest. Svenson chewed on a rotten chicken, the only thing they could get. Sven had not moved from the place the slime was, and yet, he felt tired and drifted off to sleep.

Around him were clouds. He looked around, confused. He could see no-one but he could smell many. He smelt horse, chicken, sheep, parrot, fox, almost all of the mobs he could name! Wolf-dog. He could smell wolf-dog. Soon, he could see his lost friends, appearing around him. As they appeared to him, he must have appeared to them too. Joergen#2 turned from Joergen as if he noticed Sven shouldn't be there. "Did your time come Sven?" Joergen#2 said calmly "It seemed as if your time never come!" he continued. Sven scraped at the warm cloud under his feet "No... I don't think so. I just went to sleep and now I'm here." Sven explained "Oh! You're here to meet Sven's BF, he's over with Bernie the donkey." Joergen#2 replyed, pointing his nose to a big scarred donkey.  Sven nodded as if to say Oh, thank you. I'll go see him now. But something inside said no.

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