Bob & Fran

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There once was a pineapple named Bob.
All he did was sit around and sob.
Among the pineapples, he was still the man.
Until, one day, he met the mango named Fran.

Bob tried to be around her whenever he could.
All the other pineapples said this wasn't good.
They said pineapples and mangos cannot mix.
This made Bob sad because, on Fran, he had such a fix.

As the two became closer, they talked and talked.
While, behind their backs, their friends mocked and mocked.
They both decided they were above all this,
And agreed they loved each other and exchanged a kiss.

Despite what their friends said, Bob and Fran did marry.
And couples then followed like Ed the grape and Kim the berry.
Their friends apologized and said, for what they did, they were sorry.
So listen to your heart and not to others; that is the moral of this story.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2020 ⏰

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