PonyBoy X Soda Part 1

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PonyBoy's P.O.V.

I was in my bed writing my English assignment for my English teacher. Then Soda came in the house. Usually he would yell "HAS THE MAIL CAME IN TODAY???!!!" and Darry would say either yes or no depending on if it came or not and then get some chocolate milk, but this time was different... Soda came in the house with a cigarette. He doesn't really smoke, so I knew something was wrong. He came in my room and sat on my bed. I was laying on my stomach on my bed. I looked at him. Soda was looking at my ass. It was kinda weird having your brother look at your ass while u were doing homework. Usually only couples would do that, but we weren't even a couple. We were only brothers! "PonyBoy" Soda finally said.

"Yeah?" I said trying not to ask him why he was looking at my ass.

"You've got a nice ass right there" he said looking at my ass. I said nothing. What would u do if your brother came in the house and came in your room and told u that u had a nice ass? Wouldn't u feel uncomfortable? Hmm? There was an awkward silence. I thought that Soda was straight. I'd never knew Soda was gay. Maybe bisexual? I don't know. I remember all the times I would sleep with him because I was scared at night. I remember when I slept with Soda, he would always put his dick by my ass. We both were wearing pajamas, but I could feel his dick just getting long and hard and putting it by my ass. I never really cared about it. I just thought that's how boys grew up. Wanting to put their dick by someone's ass. I liked Soda he was always there for me and I had to be there for him. I always liked Soda. He was handsome. Of course, I liked him as a brother not as a boyfriend or husband or anything like that. Suddenly, someone knocked my pencil out of my hand. I looked up. Apparently, I was thinking about Soda while Soda just looked at my ass the whole time. Soda seemed angry. I didn't know what he was mad about. Then, I realized that I didn't say anything to Soda when he told me I had a nice ass. "Thanks?" I said confused.

"You're welcome!" Soda yelled.

"Why r u yelling at me?" I said.

"Because u didn't say thank u when I said u had a nice ass!" He yelled. Again, another silence. This time, some family members must've heard and I could hear their footsteps coming upstairs to my room. Soda closed the door and locked it, so they wouldn't get in. I was a little scared because Soda yelled at me and now he locked the doors to my room. I didn't know what he was going to do. I just hoped he wasn't going to do anything to me. I backed up on my bed. He started climbing on my bed. The next thing I knew...

...he was on top of me...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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