Forbidden Love

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My reflection glints in the long mirror at the end of the hall as I look at myself, stretching my wings out as I inspect them. How could something so beautiful and magnificent cause us to be an outcast? How could it make us so evil?

Footsteps sound from the end of the hall as Mum enters. I look in her direction to see her wrapping her scarf around her neck. She looks up at me in question. "Are you ready to leave?" She asks.

"Yes," I nod my head, slipping my arms through my jumper and buttoning it up. With a last look in the mirror, I grab my scarf, wrapping it around my neck as I skip to where Mum is waiting for me.

We make our way outside and scurry to the nearest alleyway. "Remember we must be fast, and we must stay out of sight," she informs. Our feet click off the stone walkways and I can't help but think how much easier it would be if we could fly.

As we hurry through the alleyways, out of sight from the main roads, you could hear the buzz of the city evening. Buggies pass by filled with humans returning from work. Only few street benders are left and it worries me we'll get caught.

It feels amazing to be out, as it always does. I'm free to run with the wind blowing through my hair, it's hard to not get carried away. With one little step, you could be caught. You will be taken away, beaten, abused and frowned upon. For only one reason, that being you're different.

"Wait-" Mum cuts me off, shoving me into the wall, preventing me from taking another step. She lifts her finger to her mouth, gesturing me to be quiet.

My eyebrows knit together in question only for me to come to realization. Humans, at least two of them. They're not far from us either as their voices are little more than a whisper.

"What are we supposed to do?" I give Mum a concerned look. Her eyes are filled with question, causing me to worry.

Her eyes clear up as she opens her mouth, taking away some of my worries. "We'll wait," she says. "They shouldn't be too long, then we'll continue on our way."

I nod my head, Mum knows what to do which definitely helps. But there's still the chance of someone catching us. I mean, why would two ladies be standing in an alleyway for as long as we are? Certainly it must bring few people to question.

Silence passes over Mum and I as we wait for the humans to leave. It's tempting to look around the corner, to see if we could continue on without their noticing, but it's too risky. So we wait.

"Alright then," one man says. "I'll be off. See you tomorrow night." His voice is husky, rough, as if he has been smoking cigarettes for a long time.

"Right," the other replies, his voice sounding smooth, much younger.

As the silence continues, you could hear one man walk away. But other footsteps near. Panic sets in as the sound grows, the young man becoming much closer.

Mum looks at me with panic in her eyes. Taking a few steps back, she knocks over a barrel. It hits the ground with a crash as it rolls out into the open street.

"Who's there?" the man questions, his footsteps quicken. His voice sounds familiar but I can't put my finger on it as all I can think about is how we'll get out of this situation. If we run, he'll chase us. If we stay where we are, he'll spot us.

Before we can even decide on what to do, a tall man walks around the corner and my eyes widen. It couldn't be...
Tight brown curls sit atop his head. A smile spreads across his face as his brown, gleaming eyes land on mine.

I jump up from the crouched position I'm in and run into his arms. "Damen! I'm so glad it was you," I squeak.

Damen hugs back, placing a kiss atop my head as he rubs my back. "You are very lucky," he whispers in my ear.

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