Chapter 1

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THEY BABIES IS COMING!  We need to hurry up said Mary. It time her husband Chris ran an got the bags so they can go to the hospital. This they very first child an they was going love her as the already do. Chris is so scared he could not stay focus. His best friend tried to help him but his  his wife Kim was in labor to so they rush them to the hospital when got there they pick up the wife's an ran in there screaming an panicking. The nurses ran to them to help with there wife's rush them to that back the mans followed them an went different direction with there wife's.
I was so happy my husband of 13 years was by my side hey going to the best father our lil girl will have. I can't wait to meet her an spoil her Chris cant wait either. AHHHHHH!! I was in so much pain GET THIS LIL GIRL OUT OF ME NOW CALL THE DOCTOR AHHHHH! I hate you so much I said to my husband I deny mean it I love him he now I did but next door I heard a voice I know so well my best friend she was in labor to an boy o boy she was fussing her husband out!!
Ahhhh shit why got pregnant  Andrew this all your fault you new wat you was doing I can't take this pain you better go get my doctor or I will kill YO...AHHHH I couldn't not even get my words out in care my doctor hey Mrs.loving an Mr.loving let see how dilated you are he went an was his hand so he can check. He put own gloves an stuck One finger in an  a another one he had hi hold hand it was time to push I was ten centimeters dilated and rad to push my lil girl out okay mid loving I need you to push okay really hard push okay. I just nod it my head okay own the count one two three push AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Okay I see the head give me another hard push AHHHHHHHHHHH! I see the the shoulder. Okay give me last big hard push NOW PUSH AHHHHHH. All I herd was a loud cry I new my baby girl was here. October the 29 1994 at 11:32
                  Mary the doctor ran in the room my blood pressure was so I high I had to get a emergency section and I was scared but my husband was righ there by my side. I set there num an when I deny her a cry I started crying but othe no were I hard the cry I need to here before I went in a coma.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2019 ⏰

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