Fancy Hotel

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While spin was driving at the night, the sun rises up to greet the sleepy heads and have another perfect day. The blue haired mong was driving through a rainforest but had a road leading straight to tribe city.As he goes down the road,he saw unusual beams of light passing by the trees like it came from somewhere unusual.
As he gets closer to tribe city's location,the beams gets stronger then his blue eyes saw something like he has never seen before in his entire life like a miracle except for rema of course."Hey guys, were here!wake up, you guys have got to see this right now!" Spin said with an excited tone while leaning at the back. Gai slowly opened up his brown and sleepy eyes, stretched a little bit, rises from his comfy slumber and couldnt believe what he saw by just a blink of an eye. And so lisa did the same thing too like the two of them were twins.

It was huge golden gates right in front of them realising beams of light which made the 2 mongs and the little nyanya jaws drop and blinked a couple of times from the strong light like it was a gateway to heaven.After a couple seconds,it automaticly opened which means they were allowed to enter so that dark evil forces cannot enter like the red eyed beast from tree city. Spin stared at the golden gates as he was amazed but as he felt lisa's tiny taps on his shoulder telling him to get going,he snaps out and continued to drive to prevent what happened to him last night(miyo's painful scratches).

As they entered the gates,the gates slowly shut behind them and spin continued to drive.Suddenly a glimse of a building has been spotted by lisa at the back of a mountain right infront of them as she gazes at how amazing the structure was.It was revealed piece by piece until the whole city was shown right at the back of a mountain covering its amazing beauty.

The city had 8 districts,the rainforest district for the bars tribe, the civilized engineering district for the bug tribe, the royal district for the giraffe tribe, a magical portal or a mhystical gateway leading to a mystical world of gods for the nyanya tribe,a japanesed style district for the mong tribe,the herb district for the emba tribe and the north pole district for the peng tribe while the last district is where any type of tribe member can live which is the location of the hotel that they choose.But there was one district that was very newly added to the city map,the new hybrid district which the tribe chief's thought was needed since they allowed the tribes to be in peace and that is where the tribe chief's are currently living right now.

Everybody slowly woke up and saw the beauty of the place.Lisa touched the glass window and saw how amazing the place was since its her first time out of the nyanya tribe village.The green mong did the same thing too but accidentally touched lisa's tiny peach colored paw.The two looked at each other and blushed a little bit.After a while they both let go and looked away with tomato faces. "You like her,dont you?" the blue shipping brother said in a flirty way while putting his right hand on the green mong's shoulder and the black mong gave a thumbs up and a smile making the two tomatoes blush even harder. "Okay, okay thats enough lovey dovey you guys,let's just focus on where the hotel's location is okay?" miyo said as gai and the others just instantly frowned and gave pouty faces except for lisa and the green mong.

...A Few Moments Later...

They finally arrived at the hotel and it was fantastic.The hotel looked like a fancy mansion of a billionar.The inside of the place was even more amazing than they thought it would be,it had a fancy longues with even pool tables and a spa at the sides which made rema faint but was gracefully caught by her lovely boyfriend spin,a huge red desk where you check in and out,statues of their ancestors at the sides,a inventimg workshop for the bug tribe which liu and shan went to without even saying a single word,a legendary card museum for the peng tribe which made the two pengs race to,a gigantic arcade with every single game ever known and many more.Even some training grounds for the bars tribe which kuga and makkan smiled about,looked at eachother and both said in unison "Training time" and ran to the huge training grounds. "All right then,i'll check us all in and get our rooms ready ok?" Lonky said as he walks to the front desk."Well,me me and my handsome king will go to the royal spa,see ya guys later!" Rema said as she pulls spin's left hand onto the spa. "Wait,what?!~okay then my queen,the spa awaits!~" Spin said as he lifts up rema bridal style and runs to the spa with a smug on his face while rema was giggling alot."Well, those two lovers have amazing chemistry,whens that gonna happen to you and gai?~Hmm~" Popo said as he said in a sarcastic tone while looking at the pink haired feline and pointing at gai playing at the arcade with his mong brothers.

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