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A Boy and a Girl were the best of friends. There are our own shivaay and Annika. They could talk and talk for what seemed like hours, Spending all their time on the phone.

And when they were speaking to each other it was like there was nothing wrong in the world, they could never be unhappy😞 or sad😔 in those moments.

One day, the Annika texted shivaay and he didn't reply which was most unusual. Annika tired again but no avail.  Finally,  Annika called him but there was no answer.

An entire day passed and the shivaay was not available through phone or text. Annika started getting worried that something was definitely wrong.

That second night,  Annika couldn't sleep and stayed up all night worrying and crying.  It was then Annika realized just how much shivaay actually meant to her.

The next morning however,  Annika received a call. It was the shivaay!  Annika was so happy and as soon as Annika picked up the call.

Shivaay: Hey!

Annika: I'm so glad to hear from you,
   What happened?

Shivaay: I....  I was....  Busy.

[ Annika knew that something was off but Annika couldn't ask]

[Silence ]

Shivaay : You know what, we should stop this. We shouldn't talk any more.

Annika: [Stunned slience ]What?  Why?

Shivaay: Sorry. Bye 👋.

[Shivaay cuts the call. Annika cannot believe it, it's as if she has lost a part of her ].

All their past conversation's started flashing in front of her eyes.

Annika started crying, tears were streaming down her face.

Annika was lost and confused😕 .

Annika was standing on the roof and wanted to jump.

Shivaay was the one for her ,why?  Had shivaay done that?

"why?! " She  yelled as loudly as she could from the roof.



  In next part

THE CALL📱 Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang