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A few millennia ago Fernuno was as much as a Human as you or me. He roamed the earth as freely as a creature who was at the top of the food chain and knew it. He was granted to be so by the Gods.

One Goddess in particular took a liking to this man and legend has it that this Goddess was none other than Genesis herself.

After placing mankind on this earth, the King and Queen of the Afterworld had the largest falling out that any two Gods could have. As a repercussion of this unfortunate argument, the earth was treated with much disrespect and many Humans fell unlucky and little love was shown to them from up above.

As consequence, all of the Humans chose one of two sides. You either chose to spend the rest of eternity serving your Queen or your King.

As it was back then, most fell towards the male to keep them safe and to accompany them for eviternity. The multitude of Humans went to work sewing seeds and carving weapons and proceeded to name all of their life's work as a cause of their King's charity. They would go to His temple every day and grovel at the foot of the alter for better harvests or for a more fertile second wife.

The women would have less to offer than the men because what belonged to her was generally a generosity from him. So instead of giving the King their lives, they would have to make do with someone else's. The firstborns of many wealthy women went straight to the after world to serve their King's every need and many women were never blessed with a second child to hold to their own bosoms.

As soon as the lack of second children began to be noticed, the rumour was passed around that this was the Queen's doing and that because the King was claiming the firstborns, she stole all of the others. (This rumour was passed around in secret behind closed doors in fear that it would drive women to worship Her Majesty instead of His. They had nothing to worry about though as nobody would have anticipated the maternal wrath that would come from the gossip).

The select few who chose the Queen as soon as a decision had to be made crept much more subtly around their sacrifices. They went and worshiped at their temples, but they did not give away lives. The followers of Genesis believed that the Queen gave them a life so that they could do as much as they could with it.

And sure enough, the Queen looked down happily upon her subjects as they lived out their days earning wealth upon wealth. Whilst the King had all he could want in the afterworld, his kingdom on earth was meagre if functional at all.

Genesis had sat and joyously watched as the God, whom she hated more and more every day, became gluttonous and greedy. As the day broke each morning, she would observed him as he took more of his servants from earth to serve him upon his throne. It wasn't as though the ones he got were big and strong; they were whimpering little humans, having only just been birthed and with no sense of loyalty drummed into them. It was as though he didn't see that if his servants kept worshiping as the were doing, eventually there would be no more to serve him.

Seeing all of this unravel before her eyes gave the Queen a gleeful outlook on her position in the afterworld. She not only had a growing kingdom of servants, but she also had obtained the loyalty of many of the Gods. It seemed that not many Gods wished to see a covetous ruler.

However, nothing pleased the Queen more than when Fernuno was born. This human was a result of the union of the two most wealthy families in her kingdom.

The family of the Mother was over flowing with intelligence as well as riches. Books were stacked as high as the ceilings in all of the distinguished libraries and many men were set to read and write throughout the day and night so that the nobility could be soaked in this knowledge in order to help them make the best decisions.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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