The basket

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If you were to put all your worries and things you care about into one small basket would they all fit? Could you keep everything you cared about in the basket, well this is the story of my basket and how it couldn't stop following with new and old things I care about, see my basket would have started off with a girl I cared about very much so who had helped me throw so much and was the best I could've asked for, my family, my school life, my mental health and friends. See they all fit so perfectly each different shapes and sizes I cary this basket on my sleeve my skin reminding me of its presence, sometimes the baskets starts to fill and nothing's in place the same anymore it's all clustered, all over the place, I struggle to walk with this basket at times and when I stop to search through this basket I always come back a different person, maybe I've learned from rummaging through them but I know it's only when I truly take a look at what I started off with and the most valuable parts of my basket, that's when I know I should have done more to keep them further in, closer to the centre, I look at the girl who I managed to let go who got me through so much and tighten my fist in anger as I knew I should've done more but I could never tell them that or show them truly because I'm not a new me, what's done is done and if only I could start over then my basket will be the way I wanted it to with those few and that one that I should never have let go...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2019 ⏰

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