Chapter 2

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~Pheonix's P.O.V.~

Ugh. I can't even believe what I'd just done. Hnhmm It was so stupid of me! How could I?! Oh I see that you're a bit confused. Well, let's go see the stupid thing I just did. 

"'Mmmm I'm boored", I said. I really was. I had nothing and I mean nothing  to do. Then I saw some water spirits having a little fight with each other, and that's where I got my idea. I knew my idea could possibly get me and a bunch of my spirits killed, but then I remembered how much Lunar and I hate each other. I gathered some water spirits and said, "I want you to create a storm on Neptune, one large enough to kill about a thousand of those annoying night spirits." Now, reader, you might think this was completely random because like, who on earth goes from bored to wanting to kill your sister's spirits? Well I have a good reason for that. About a week ago, Lunar ordered some of her night spirits to attack Earth, and they killed dozens of fire, ice, and a few other spirits I'm too lazy to name. Anyway, the spirits obeyed, (obviously) and a day later, I heard a rumbling sound coming from the sky. The water spirits were back, and they told me all about the storm they started. (I think modern-day mortals call it "The Great Dark Spot" or something, but that spot isn't great at all, I don't think) So my spirits caused the storm, yes, but Lunar's spirits told Lunar about the storm the moment they saw the water spirits unleash suspicious-looking clouds. Well, Lunar got all mad and demanded something about "The Fall of Earth" and something about the Winter Solstice. So to sum everything up, I ruined the world. I never knew that Lunar had a weakness...or I didn't know at that time...

Ooohh major cliffhanger! What's going to happen next? What's Lunar's weakness? What is going to happen on the Winter Solstice? What does Lunar mean "The Fall of Earth"? Comment what you think is going to happen! Oh and sorry my last chapter was really short XD

                                                                                                  -XOXO Michelle

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