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I'm tired of spending all day in a car. Everyday I say as much in my head, but I never do anything different. I need a push. I need to leave San Fran behind and start pursuing my passion of becoming a professional actor. I have plans to move to Los Angeles next summer, but that feels a lifetime away.

My friend told me that a movie called 'Little Things' just started filming the other day with Jared Leto. It reminded me that I should be actively searching for roles. So today I think I should devote my energy into looking at what's available. What do I honestly have to lose in looking?

I fire up my laptop and type in the website I use to see what's filming, where, and if there's any open casting calls. Something interesting catches my eye. There's a film currently being casted, but not much in the way of particulars. The call is for tomorrow only. I can actually make this work. I look to see what I should wear and any other pertinent information I need to be aware of.

As soon as I start planning the drive, I immediately question if I should bother.  It is a long drive and if I don't get it, I will have blown off work and wasted gas for nothing, but my phone rings and I answer. It's my mom telling me her house has sold. It was on the market less than a week. The timing is uncanny and I decide now is the time to throw caution at the wind and go to the audition tomorrow.

The following day, I wake up early. Throw some clothes, makeup, and other important items into a bag and head down to LA. It takes exactly 6 hours to get to the casting office. I only stopped once for gas and snacks. I didn't eat though. My nerves were tangling up my insides. I'd rather not get sick in the middle and make a fool of myself.

I fill out the forms, am handed a scene to study, and told to wait for them to call my name. It's 1pm right on the nose which is the time on the call sheet and there are twenty or so girls ahead of me. I settle into a seat furthest away so I can prepare for the part. Nothing about the scene gives anything about the movie away. All I know is that it's set in modern times and is a drama. The scene has me talking with a friend in a cafe. I literally know nothing about this role so I make the decision not to go in and overact. I'm just going to do what feels natural and pretend it's a real life friend and I talking.

I start to run the dialogue in my head and before I know it, it's nearing 2pm. I thoroughly memorized my lines in the hour I've been sitting here. I check my phone and have a few messages I'm responding to when I hear my name called.

I walk in as prepared as I'm ever going to be.  I try to place the people sitting before me, but I honestly don't recognize any of them.  This is the best case scenario.  If Martin Scorsese or Ridley Scott were here, I'd most likely bomb the audition due to overthinking.

"State your name, please."  Spoke a frumpy woman wearing a light gray blouse.

"Jessica Cavoretto."

"Alright, Ms. Cavoretto.  Your reading partner is Emily Swain.  She will be reading the part of Helena.  You are auditioning for the part of Nicole.  Nicole has just received bad news, please have a seat at the table and begin when you are ready."

I take a second to get in the zone.  I hadn't read the scene in my head as being delivered from the place of someone having a bad day, this is going to be interesting.

"I'm so glad to see you Helena.  It's been far too long.  Should we order dessert?"

"I'd like that Nicole.  What looks good to you?"

"Oh I dunno, I was thinking the apple pie."

"I think I'll have that too. So tell me, what made you call me today?"

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2019 ⏰

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