Chapter 1

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I opened my eyes, darkness filled my vision. A throbbing pain shot through my head. Panic coursed through my veins as I tried to remember the last twenty-four hours. Sweat dribbled down my back, wherever I was, it was scorching hot. Suddenly, a door creaked open, shining an array of bright, warm yellow hues throughout the room. Red bricks surrounded the small interior of wooden slabs but there was nothing in here besides empty space.

I attempted to stand but as I did, my body jolted back to the ground. I nervously peered down at the floor. Chains weaved from the thick floorboards, looping around my legs and torso, making it nearly impossible for me to move.

"Is everything alright in there?" A man's disturbingly light voice called from the doorway.

My body froze, petrified. What the hell was going on? I didn't even hear the loud, booming footsteps that were gradually getting closer and closer over the sound of my heart beating out of my chest. Thump; Thump; Thump.

Suddenly, a large hand gently mashed against my shoulder.

Somehow instinctively, I let out a blood-curdling scream that stabbed at my throat. The man pinched my face tightly and forced a thick cloth deep into my mouth, drowning out my screeches for help. My lips blistered as they stretched further and further apart.

He whispered in my ear, "Please don't do that, you know how much screaming can damage that beautiful voice of yours. I'm not letting you go Doll, never again will I let you out of my sight. So don't bother trying to leave." His warm breath danced along my neck, making the back of my hair stand up.

I tried desperately to back away from him but the chains held me back once again. My body shot up with anxiety-filled adrenaline as more sweat rushed down my back. I strained as much as I could to wiggle through the bondage, but it was no use… I was trapped.

For a second, he didn't say anything at all which made me uneasy. The atmosphere that filled the room was violent yet still. His feet shuffled against the floor as he made his way around me. This was the end, I was so dead.

The man perched himself onto the ground beside me, totally relaxed, completely unfazed by the situation. Strands of thin, golden hair draped past his shoulders as he tilted his head, revealing his sweet sunkissed skin that illuminated from the beams of light. His jawline was so sharp it, he could cut through metal. Okay, probably not but it wouldn't surprise me. He was undeniably beautiful yet when I felt his presence, my blood went cold. There was something terrifyingly familiar about him, but what? I couldn't remember. I couldn't remember anything.

"Why do you have such a confused look on your face?" He sensually caressed my cheek which made my skin crawl. "Do you not know who I am?" For a second, his silver eyes filled with concern. His voice was weirdly calming.

I parted my lips, trying to speak through my crowded mouth. The sores tore open even further and started to bleed red onto the cloth. I wanted to scream in pain but I had no more energy left in me.

The man chuckled quietly to himself. This gradually fueled into a blaring, maniacal cackle that sent shivers down my spine.

He composed himself within a few minutes of nonstop laughter and gently grinned, "You look really pathetic right now. This is very different than usual but I think I enjoy this here's turn of events a lot more than I expected." He slipped his hand under my bottom lip that stung as he made contact and took back the cloth that had left the inside of my mouth bone dry and numb.

I cultivated saliva throughout my mouth, moisturizing the sandpaper texture of my tongue. After my lips had stopped tearing, I asked, "Who are you and why are you doing this to me? And is Doll my name?" My voice choked up as I tried to keep myself from crying in front of him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2019 ⏰

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