Chapter One

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It was all him. He was literally all I thought about. I knew it would never happen, our families are too close. That didn't stop me from falling for him anyways.
I hate him but I also love him ad I wish this was easier. I wish I didn't like him, no I wish I didn't know him. My life would've been so much easier if I had just let him go. Of course I made it hard for myself
I could've just done something else to occupy my time than to just sit and think about him. I use to wonder what it would be like if he was there thinking about me like I was thinking about him. Then I started thinking about him sitting, doing the same thing I was, except I was thinking about him and he was thinking about someone else. We used to talk, but I always wondered if he actually knew I was alive. Well, I'm not anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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