Book of Flash Fiction

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Just a book of my flash/micro fics. They are not writing prompts. Do not repost.

***** Indicates a new story.Titles are italicized. Enjoy!


What if Hitler had Won?

I glanced at the exit to the city with burning curiosity. Uniformed soldiers stood on either side of the gate, their cold gazes empty and unforgiving. I made eye contact with one of them and quickly looked away. I fidgeted with my standard issue swastika-stamped jumpsuit that all citizens were required to wear.

Nothing good ever happened to people who tried to leave town. Or stared at the gate for too long. A soldier would pick them up, and they'd disappear for days, even weeks. I'd seen happen too many times.

They all had the same haunted look in their eyes when they came back. And they were always quiet. Too quiet.



I swallowed the last bit of sickly sweet tea, not wanting to offend my host. I yawned, oddly tired for mid-afternoon. My limbs felt as if they were made of lead. I fervently hoped I could leave soon, I had no more energy for socializing.

"Did you like the tea? I made the special blend just for you," my host said. There was a glint in her eye. Special blend?'s spiked with sedative.

I stood up and tried to stumble away, but it was too late. My legs gave out, and I crashed to the ground. The room spun and everything went dark.


Home Alone

"A serial killer is on the loose in the downtown area. It is recommended that-" the news started to say as the babysitter snatched the remote and flicked the tv off.

"I'll go to the bathroom and then we can make some hot chocolate, okay?" the babysitter said a bit nervously. I nodded and the bathroom door shut a few seconds later.

Ring. Ring. Ring. I picked the phone up.


"Hi mom," I said.

"How are you liking your first night home alone?" she asked.

"Home alone...? The babysitter just went to the bathroom..." I said, confused.

"Run," my mom said. My mind flashed back to the mention of a serial killer on the news and my babysitter's odd behavior. I let the phone clatter to the floor. I scooped my cat into my arms and dashed out the front door. I began to run barefoot towards the nearest police station.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2019 ⏰

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