Moving day

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                               Sarah's POV
I just moved to Cali with my mom and sister into a rich neighborhood, my mom only had the money to buy the house because of the divorce money she got.
We were unpacking and I looked to my left and see a really hot guy just staring at me, he then notices me trying to pick up a heavy box for my room and ran over to help me carry it. At first I say no thanks and try to pick it up again, he then laughs at my attempt to pick it back up and moves me out of his way and picks it up, he tells me to lead the way, which I do, my mom sees him and winks at me, I started to blush.
I show him to my room upstairs and he sets the box down, he goes back outside and helps us unload the trailer with out boxes in it, my mom and sister thank him, he was about to head out the door when I ran up to him and asked "what's your name?" He tells me his name is Adym...... Adym Yorba. I say thank you and that it was very nice of him to help, he asked if he could give me a ride to school tomorrow if I'm getting enrolled that day, I say sure. Adym says he will pick me up at 7:30. He than asked me my name and I tell him Sarah porter, he then leaves.

                                  Adyms POV
I'm walking home and all I can think about is Sarah..... I know I just met her but she is so beautiful, she has such a great smile and damn she sure has a fine ass body.... I'm walking upstairs to my room and I look at my phone and decide to look her up on Instagram. What was her name again???? Sarah.... sarah porter I think. I than look her up and see her insta and follow her.
A few minutes later I get a notification saying she accepted my follow request. I ended up sending her a message

Therealricco- hey 😁

Queensarah- oh hey😁

Therealricco- Dont forget about me coming tmr lol😂

Queensarah- I could never forget a pretty face like you☺️❤️

Therealricco- I could say the same about you gorgeous❤️❤️

Queensarah- well I'll talk to you later I'm going to take a shower and try to get some sleep😁❤️ gn Adym❤️

Therealricco- gn beautiful❤️😁😍

To be continued...... ps. I hope u like the first chapter😁☺️ should I continue with this series??

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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