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  • Dedicated to My First Softball Team- The Conqs

January 3, 2011 7:17 PM

        Madison looked to the scoreboard in the thick mist of the night. It read plain and bold: 13-12. She inhaled sharply, her mind racing with so many thoughts. Her team was losing! They couldn't afford to loose, these were the Championship Games! They had made it to the final game!
        Madison blinked and bent over, prepared for if the ball were to come to her. "Come on, ladies! We need this out!" called out her team's shortstop, Grace. "Down and ready, everyone!" Madison took a deep breath from her spot in the outfield and blinked again, this tim to get the droplets of mist from out of her eyes. 
        The pitcher swung her arm, releasing the bright yellow ball with the snap of her wrist and just over the plate. A perfect pitch. Madison couldn't help but smile, maybe they wouldn't loose. As long as the pitcher kept up her steady, even pitches, her team was good.
The batter hit it far-and hard- all the way to the outfield, almost to Madison. All she needed to do was run. Run right under the ball.
        Madison lunged forward, pumping her arms and legs as hard as she could. She was almost there! Almost! She just needed to get under it!
        Madison stopped in the field. "I got it!" she yelled, making sure that her other team mates wouldn't run afterit too. "I've got it!" 
        Madison walked around into different positions. The ball was dropping fast, faster and faster. "I've got it!" she yelled again. The ball was falling faster, pretty soon it would land right in her glove!
        "I've got it!" Madison heard from somewhere else on the field. She wanted to shout at the other girl to back off and that she already caught it.
        Madison couldn't see anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2014 ⏰

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