1. Thug Friend

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"Hey, Al. Wait up." I heard my name being called and turned around. It was Casey, my best friend since dippers. She was running up to me, her pretty blond hair blowing behind her. I always secretly envied how she always looked so go. Blue eyes stared into gray ones and we exchanged simple greetings. "So, did you hear about James?" she asked a slight otherness to her. I shook my head rather than actually speaking. Between us both, it was pretty clear who the social one was and it sure wasn't me. 

"Augh, it was the-" before she could finish her sentence we were at the gates to school and as usual Jackson was there. I kinda had a secret crush on him but he was a jerk so I just ignored the fluttery feeling. "Hey Casey, hows your hands from last night, got into anymore bar brawls? Oh, right you aren't even allowed into bars yet" He finished with a smirk. Next to me Casey was gripping her black bag so hard her knuckles turned white. Whispering softly I said to Casey," Just ignore him. It doesn't matter what he says because we know the truth. Okay?" I touched her shoulder and I felt practical flames. She was literally hot with anger and I was really concerned. Casey wasn't exactly the calm type and Jackson took advantage of that at every turn.

"Well at least I'm not a bully hiding behind my daddy's name like a coward", She shot back like a whip and we got a few gasps from eavesdroppers around us. She smirked and flicked her hair as she walked away. Scowling Jackson gripped onto her arm with such force I wad sure her pale skin would bruise. Turning she punched him square in the nose and her knuckles became bloody from his broken nose. He still didn't let however, if anything he grabbed her other arm too so now all she had was her legs. "How about you don't be a coward and actually fight me. Tonight, you know where to find me and get your friends to bet too, it will pay me well." She hissed out barely audible but he heard, I know he did otherwise he would never have let her go, "oh, and bring your mute friend, I'm sure she'll be cheering for me."

For some reason the way he said 'me' almost scared me. It was like he was threatening Casey almost but how I didn't know. Slowly the crowd that had magically formed around us disappeared until all I was left with was a angry bloody Casey. "C, C what was that about? What's going down tonight. What did you agree too? Casey!" I yelled to pull her out of her daydreaming state. "Its nothing Al, just let it be."

She shrugged me off and headed into school, wiping her bloody hand on her black shirt. Even the way she stormed off was elegant. Half annoyed and half concerned I walked in after her, shooting a dirty look at Jackson's dumb group of friends. The cool corridors relieved me from the scorching sun outside and I started thinking about just how much it must have helped Casey. She was near enough boiling when I touched her shoulder. Scanning the halls with my eyes I found it almost pathetic that I was running after a friend who didn't even try to find me. I was such a wimp. 

Waiting at her locker I didn't see her at all. I gave up waiting when the second bell for first period rang. It wasn't like I could wait any longer, I was going to be late to my first class and she probably got her books already anyways. Grabbing my bag off the floor I headed to my English Lit class rethinking my decision to do my English work in the morning. Turns out my morning didn't exactly go to plan, it was like Jackson planned on messing it up today. 

Walking into my English class I sat down somewhere at the back and put my glasses on. They covered a fair share of my face and where really large and annoying but they worked. Well, they blessed me with the power of sight anyways. I would take that any day. Squinting slightly I copied down the notes as Ms. Gallan spoke on about things like adverbs and 14 line sonnets. As I was coping my notes down I got distracted- my mind going back to that strange interaction of this morning. Yes, Jackson was a jerk and he often did try to trigger Casey but this. This didn't happen often. Usually Casey was good at walking away from his spiteful words but today?

Something at home must have happened for her to react this badly. Last time she has lashed out at him was back when her mom had died at then it was worse, then Jackson ended up with a broken leg but he never learnt his lesson did he? Idiot. Maybe her sister came back home or her dad left on one of his 'business' outings again. Maybe it was me? Because I wasn't exactly being a participant in this mornings conversation. Oh, god, what if it was me? Of course it was me, I should find her after this period and I should- 


Oh damn, Jackson must have gotten Casey in trouble with his dad -Headmaster Cowell- how could he? Just because he got a broken nose? Anger bubbled deep inside me but even  more than anger was worry. I was worried for Casey and Jackson. If Casey got in trouble one more time she had a high likeliness of suspension or even expulsion. Concern riddling my brain I didn't even hear when Ms. Gallan asked me a question. " Huh? Sorry miss, what did you say?"

"Well maybe if you weren't so focused on your thug friend you might be picking up your marks, Steven please help Alicia out", Ms. Gallan said with a sharp tone, this must have not been the first time she asked me this question. Shoot.


Hi. Enjoy. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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