Melanie Martinez & Oliver tree in a coffin together

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The 'Facts':
OKAY SO, it was 2 sided and shared on Instagram and YouTube (possibly twitter but I'm too lazy to check). They both used the same caption the only difference being emojis (caption was: 'Planning our deaths together').

My Opinion:
LETS GET DOWN TO BUSINESS!!! They're 'style' of music is different, BUT I feel like if they made music together it could be really fucking cool :D
Also if this post has anything to do with a relationship thing, good for them I give no shits lol
In conclusion I hope they make music together cause it capillary really slap :))))))

A/N: So this is the first one what do you think :)) Feel free to argue with me or share your opinions on the matter in the comments :D Sorry this is short (most of them will be) and sorry this isn't dramatic, it's a happy opinion <3

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