the new kid

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Jeff's pov

Everyone was on the couch because slender told us to wait here....WE HAVE BEEN HERE FOR 3 HOURS!!! suddenly slender appeared with a kid in a link a like costume thing but exe sorta, although he was being really vicious.."get the strap down chair!" Slender yelled holding the kid down..5 minutes later masky and EJ came back with the chair and slender tied him down.."w-wh-what is g-going on?" Twichy freak said.."he's on zalgo's side.... literally his right hand man" slender said..."why the fuck is he here then!?" I yelled angrily "because he's usefull" slender said..."masky nock him out and get the computer with the virus" slender said "but why do we need a computer with a virus?" Masky questioned back...."just do it!" Slender yelled "N-NOT THE COMPUTER PLEASE ILL LISTEN!!" The small elf boy said "it's to late" slender said masky then knocked him out and went and got the computer and set it up in front of the elf.

Ben's pov

When I woke up I saw a computer in front of me...but not any with a virus...I started to freak out and everyone there saw.."what's your name" a tall man with no face asked me...I didn't respond "what is your name!!" He yelled "it's ben, Ben drowned!" I said scared "well Ben, you will join me ok?" The man asked "NO!" I yelled"masky untie him" the man said then this person I guess his name is masky? I don't know but he untied me "get in the computer" the man said "I cant!" I was scared "GET IN THE COMPUTER!!" He yelled  "...."  I walk up to the computer and start to get in..."gah!" I was in fully and could already feel the virus enter me "come out in 10 Minutes" he said....after ten minutes I got out slowly and I was glitching a lot "1-8202hep_!#" I guess it already got to my voice....I tried to say help.."now join me child" the man said and held his hand out...I tried to grab it but I kept glitching...he under stood and put his arm down "we wait for him to get better...oh and I never said that he's a cyber ghost" the tall man said, everyone stood there silent "!&?$" (fuck) I tried to say something but it didn't work after 4 hours I stopped glitching a little "try talking my child" the tall man said..."lIKe thIS?" My voice kept changing pitches "so you can talk, now will you join me?" He asked "dO I hAVe a CHOice?" I asked "no" he said "fINe" I said back everyone introduced themselves "you get to choose who to share a room with your choices are Jeff, EJ, or toby "jeFf" I said "ok" slender said then he left and I was left there with everyone.

MY FINGERS HURT AND MY BRAIN I am done for now XD 😅😂

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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