The first encounter

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Third P.O.V

The sound of footsteps could be heard,as a hooded boy traversed through the forest.

The boy wore a white hoodie that covered his face and seemed a bit to big for him,as the sleeve's would slightly go past his finger's,on his back was a dirty backpack,which had clearly seen better days.

The hooded boy's head would dart around excitedly,as of though he had never seen the outdoors,he would also be looking through the tree's and bushes,hoping to find anything,although to his dismay,nothing.

However this did not thwart his excitement,as he continued to walk through the forest while whistling a tune.

'This is a lot more nice than I thought it would be' The hooded boy thought to himself,as the boy admired the forest around him,he took in all the details of the forest,the leave's falling off the tree's,the sound's of flying type Pokemon flapping their wing's and the wind howling through the forest,it made for a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

That was until a loud bang,reminiscent of a gun being fired had echoed though out the forest,startling both the boy and the Pokemon.

The boy's head immediately darted toward's where sound had come from,as a dust cloud could be seen formed not to far away form where the boy was.

'Oooooh I wonder that was'The boy curiously thought to himself,as he then proceeded towards where the loud sound had come from.

Over at where the sound had come,a small crater could be seen,in the small crater,a little yellow and white Pokemon could be seen in the cater,it had multiple bruises and burns on it's tiny body,as it laid on the ground,to injured to move.

??? P.O.V

My whole body felt like it was dumped in acid,I tried to get up but to no avail,as I laid there on the ground in pain,I heard the sound of footsteps coming towards me,My head immediately perked up at the sound of footsteps,thinking it was one of the ultra recon squad member's,only to be quickly replaced with fear and anxiety,as it was not the person I thought it was.

Instead of the familiar uniform that I was expecting,instead a person wearing strange clothes walked toward's me.

Upon seeing me,the cloaked figure gasped and quickly walked towards me,I tried to move away,but my body refused to do so,I closed my eyes expecting the worst to come,a few seconds passed,but nothing happened,I then heard the stranger start talking.

"To think it would be my lucky day!,I never thought I would encounter one! so soon!".The stranger (who I could now tell was male,guessing by the sound of his voice) said excitedly,as of though he had never seen such a weak creature like me before.

Hearing what he said,I slowly but hesitantly opened my eyes,to see him with opening a dirty backpack that was by his side,he then brought out some white paper's,as he then seemed to skim through them before stopping on one.

"Interesting,you're a different colour from the rest of your species,does that mean your stronger?,are you a shiny? or are you perhaps royalty?,so many possibilities!"He said enthusiastically,seemingly curious to know more about me.

To say I was confused would be understatement,first my bullies beat me much more severely than usual,second an ultra worm hole opened up and I got sucked into it and third of all,some weirdo approached me and started asking me nonsense question's.

Me strong?,don't make me laugh,I'm as weak as they come and royalty?,I'm at the bottom of the hierarchy for Arceus sake!also what does he mean by shiny?,I mean I know I stand out,but I don't shine...........At least I don't think so.

I was snapped out of my confusion,when the stranger started talking again.

"Actually,why are you here?,shouldn't you be in Alola?"The stranger asked,who now seems to be confused,as he put his hand on his chin,he did that for a second before shrugging.

"Eh oh well not like it matter's,well it does,but I'm just to lazy to think about it right now."He said in a rather lax tone.

This guy really is weird,also I think I've heard this 'Alola' before,but I don't know where.

I was starting to get annoyed with his constant rambling,I tried to get myself up again,only for me to gasp at the sudden increase in pain.

3rd P.O.V

The hooded boy's rambling had promptly ceased after hearing the creature gasp in pain.

He had clicked his tongue in annoyance,not at the Pokemon,but at himself for not noticing sooner,he was to caught up in his excitement to notice the Pokemon's injury's.

He then put the white pages back into his dirt backpack and promptly zipped it up and put it on his back.

He then directed his attention back to the small yellow and white Pokemon,as he then scooped it up,like how you would with a baby.

"It's alright little guy-or girl,actually you don't have a gender,so I'm not really sure what I should refer to you,they them?,actually do you even use pronouns?"The hooded boy rambled on,not really sure how to properly talk to the Pokemon in his arms.

The Pokemon in his arms could only groan at his rambling,now wishing it falls into unconscious,as it was to tired to deal with humans bullshit.

"Ah!,how could I be so rude,I haven't properly introduced myself yet,my name's Genesis,nice to meet you Poipole."The now named Genesis introduced himself,to the now revealed Ultra beast.

And that's the first chapter done,if you notice any mistakes or anything that could have been done better,don't be afraid to point them out,also I don't have this whole book planned out yet,so if you have any suggestions I would gladly like to hear them and that's all thanks for reading.

And that's the first chapter done,if you notice any mistakes or anything that could have been done better,don't be afraid to point them out,also I don't have this whole book planned out yet,so if you have any suggestions I would gladly like to hea...

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