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The grayish-silver Honda Accord drove down the country road, the orange sunset reflecting on its freshly-cleaned shiny surface. The dirty blonde haired, emerald-green-eyed woman driving the car kept her gaze glued to the road, occasionally glancing at the rear-view mirror. Her fourteen year old schizophrenic daughter, Phoebe, sat in the back seat, staring out the car window blankly. Her fingers jerkily tapped against the window, as she mumbled random words to herself.


The car came to a stop and turned into a gravel road surrounded by thick forest on either side, Phoebe still staring blankly into space. The sun had set and the moon was barely shining through the trees, causing the woman to turn the car headlights on. After about a minute, a large metal gate appeared in the headlights and the woman put the car in idle. 

A speaker system sat beside the gate, a button just below the speaker. The woman rolled down the drivers side window and reached out, pressing the button. A man's voice spoke through the speaker. "Name?" He asked as the woman brought her arm back in the car. 

"Monique Smith, here with Phoebe Smith. I called yesterday." There was the sound of papers shuffling on the other end and the man mumbling names to himself. Silence for a few seconds, then he spoke again. 

"Yes, yes. I'll open the gate for you. Just come into the center building." The male said and Monique pressed the button again, cutting the static off. There was a clanging sound as the gate slid open. Monique put the car into drive and drove past the gate, it clanging shut behind them. A dark concrete building with tiny barred windows loomed ahead, the moonlight shining on the flat roof. 

Monique pulled into the parking lot out front and parked in the spot closest to the entry. She turned the car off and sat for a second, sighing. She unbuckled her seat belt and turned to Phoebe, placing a hand on her knee. 

"Phoebe? Phoebe, Honey, we're here." She said and the blank look on Phoebe's face turned to confusion, as she looked back at Monique. "Are we at home?" Phoebe asked, twisting the rest of her body to face Monique. "Not exactly, Hon. But they're going to make you better." Monique replied, taking her hand away and climbing out of the car. 

She shut the drivers side door and walked around to the other side of the car, opening Phoebe's door. Phoebe climbed out and turned to the concrete building, while Monique closed the door. Monique locked the car and put her car keys in her tan sweater pocket, wrapping an arm around Phoebe's shoulders. She led Phoebe up the steps and through the doors. 

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