Chapter 1

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Hey guys! So, I am alive, and still fanfic-hungry as I've ever been, I've just been so busy I literally have no time to even read FanFiction, let alone write it. I recently got into a LOT of new fandoms- aka Exhibit A- Stranger Things, Riverdale (Falice yasss), It (Richie and Eddie 4ever), The Good Place and most recently, Brooklyn-99 which is *mwah* I have no words. Except one. (peraltiago). Also, I will be accepting oneshot requests for any of those fan fictions or your own if you have a different fandom x Anyway, this fic is basically just AU of Stranger Things S3 where Mike and Eleven dislike each other (or do they? Oohhhhh) so. Enjoy I guess :)

Eleven's POV:

It was 3:15 on a Friday afternoon and Eleven was tired. She was tired, she was grumpy and she just wanted to get home and go to sleep.

She had considered using her powers to turn the clock forward again like she did that one time when she was desperate to get to Max's house- she was teaching her skateboarding- so they could be let out of school early, and then remembered the wrath of her dad Hopper the last time she did that. No eggos for 2 weeks is not worth getting out 15 minutes earlier.

Maths was taken by the single most boring teacher in the school, Mrs Donson, and it was all anyone could do to keep their eyes open, let alone actually pay attention, especially on Friday.

What was bad about that particular lesson you ask? Well, for starters, she had just received a Monday detention for forgotten homework, and secondly, that annoying Mike Wheeler, the only person in her generally tight-knit friendship group to fray her nerves and get her all hot and bothered kept doing every little thing just to get on her nerves.

It started simple enough. Tapping- on the desk no less. What was particularly irking about that first irritation was the fact that he knew how much that annoyed her, and he kept on doing it even after she had glared at the pencil for at least 2 minutes, making it very clear she was annoyed by the pencil tapping shenanigans. 

This is how she knew it wasn't ignorance- however, he also had a wide Cheshire Cat grin stretched from ear to ear on his face that she either wanted punch off or... anyway, he was irritating her.

With a flick of her eyes, the pencil flew from his hands and landed on the floor, just out of his reach. She wanted a reaction, a rise to prove she was now winning whatever this little game was, but all she got in return was another arrogant little smirk which she was *fairly* sure she growled at.

He seemed to settle down a bit and Eleven calmed a little and began staring out the window. After a while, though, the tapping resumed. Gritting her teeth, she turned her head to glare at him with a gaze that could terrify a demogorgon. 

He simply shook back his dark, curly locks (which did not look soft enough to run your hands through, thank you very much) chuckled and continued with his work (his German homework, she noticed).

She snorted disapprovingly and he imitated her exaggeratedly, causing her to blush furiously and maintain a glare at him, which he stared back at lazily, like a cat. "Stop being so goddamn irritating, Wheeler," she muttered to him. 

He smiled smugly and drawled, "Getting hot and flustered there, Hopper? You know, as much as you call me irritating, you seem to enjoy our exchanges- unless red is your natural skin tone..."

He reached out to stroke her soft cheek and she snapped out of her stupor. She shoved his hand away and hissed, "In your dreams, Wheeler!"

She turned away, expecting to be left alone after that, but instead came a sentence that boiled her blood to her very core: "Oh no, Hopper, there's not this much talking in my dreams, if you know what I mean."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2019 ⏰

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