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"Steve," Alexis said, her voice strict and demanding. Her twin brother stopped in his tracks, turning to face her.
"Yes?" He asked, annoyed. Alexis put her hands on her hips.
"Don't go again," she said. Steve sighed.
"All I want to do is serve, is that so wrong?" He asked, exasperated. Alexis shook her head and went to grab his arms.
"No, Steve. The problem is that the military deems you unable to. I don't want you getting hurt if you can't," she said, gripping his tan jacket. Steve threw his head back.
"I won't," he said. Alexis released him.
"Do what you want, Steve. But be ready when you aren't allowed to," she said, stepping away from her brother. Steve sighed.
"I'm sorry. I just want to try until I can," he said.
"Steve, it's your physical condition. You can't change flat feet," Alexis said, her voice close to yelling. Steve glared at her. He walked out of the scrappy apartment, slamming the door behind him. Alexis sighed and collapsed onto the thin padded couch. She understood his desire to serve in the army, but he was physically unable to, and she had no desire for him to be out there anyways. She did not want him hurt, and she already had someone she loved going into the field.


"I found you a date," Bucky said, walking his friend up to his apartment door. Steve sighed.

"Do I even have to go?" He asked. Bucky chuckled.

"Yeah! It's my last night in town, and I want to spend it with my best friend and my best girl," he said. Steve smiled slightly.

"Fine. Who's the girl?" He asked. Bucky smiled triumphantly.

"Her name's Stacey, you'll like her," he said.

"What'd you tell her about me?" Steve asked.

"Only the good stuff," Bucky said. Steve nodded and went to unlock the door. But, before he could, the door flew open, revealing a gorgeous girl with long blonde hair, striking blue-gray eyes, and a bright smile on her face.

"Bucky!" She exclaimed, launching herself at him. Bucky laughed, embracing the girl tightly, her arms already around his neck. Steve rolled his eyes.

"What, no hug for me?" He asked. Alexis rolled her eyes and released Bucky.

"Fine," she said, hugging her brother. Steve chuckled, releasing her.

"Hey sis," he said.

"Hey Stevie." Bucky cleared his throat and walked into the small apartment, pulling Alexis behind him. Alexis laughed and Steve rolled his eyes once again, walking in and shutting the door behind him.

"Are you excited for tonight?" Bucky asked, sitting on the couch. Alexis sat next to him and faced him.

"Of course! It's the Stark Expo!" She exclaimed. Bucky laughed at her excitement. Steve sat on a padded chair across from them.

"Me too," Bucky said. Alexis faced Steve.

"Who'd you find for Stevie?" She asked Bucky.

"Stacey," Bucky replied. Alexis gasped excitedly.

"Stacey? Oh, she's sweet, you'll love her Steve," she said. Steve nodded.

"I've heard," he said. Bucky and Alexis laughed, and the three talked until it was time to leave for the Expo.

"Stacey'll meet us there," Bucky said, pulling on his uniform coat. Alexis nodded and slipped on heels, Steve also pulling on his coat. The three walked out of the apartment, Steve locking it behind them. They all piled into a cab heading for the Expo. They made small talk with the driver, not really wanting to talk with him. Soon enough, however, they arrived. Bucky got out first, allowing the others to get out. Alexis grabbed his hand and walked alongside Steve as they searched for Stacey through the crowds.

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