How I got here

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When I was a little puppy I was abused, they hit me, my mom, dad and especially my sister. My dad just had tried to protect us by biting them but they took him away and I haven't seen him, then I was in this truck with my mom, sister and this boy named Luka, no sign of my dad. They threw us out. All the sudden we were picked up in another big truck. It was scary, I didn't like it at all. I looked at my mom and said," Mommy where are we going, I don't like it here I want to go home." She replied with," Honey I have no idea, but I hope it's somewhere nice and warm." I had hopped that too, still no sign of my dad. I was waiting and wondering where had he gone. Then the big scary truck stopped and let us out, this place was so gross and they had wolf dogs, they bullied us a lot. I had no idea what was going to happen next. I stayed there for a couple days, then this really big red car picked us up. I was so scared I peed. They nice girl in the back picked it up though, I could tell she was my person, my favorite person. My sister was there so was Luka and a bunch of other dogs, I felt bad for the girl they were all over her. My sister was protecting me from a dog they called Love, that was the dog that was all over her. The girl liked it though, I could tell she had never really been snuggled before, I hadn't either except from my mommy, sissy and daddy. They gave lots of them. I didn't know where I was going, I was scared and I could tell my sister was too. My sister normally hates me but then she loves me and took care of me. All I knew was that I'd probably never see my mommy again. The car stopped they took us out one by one, I was the last. I stayed there for a while. The next day, they came back to pick up only Luka. I was so mad and scared, the house was haunted. A couple days after that they came to pick me up. I was very happy, but the thing was that I was alone, they didn't pick up my sister. I hadn't seen my mom for a while now, I hoped I saw her again. Their were these creepy things that were under me and they were clawing me, I tried to tell them it hurt by yelping it didn't work, I thought," Why would the very nice girl let these little things out to attack me?" After all that I met this huge dog he's name was Boone the humans called him Booney boy he was like my Grandpa so I called him uncle grandpa and I loved him very much. Weeks and weeks after that they picked up my sister the first thing I asked was," Did you see mommy?" She responded with," No." I was shaking, I peed whenever the big scary man touched me. The humans decided to call me Kahlua and my sister Konah. I liked those names. Two months after the owners said to me in the sweetest way," Kahlua, we're so sorry but your mom got shot." I couldn't believe it I didn't even get to say goodbye. I squealed and cried a lot after. No the story doesn't end there it's a long story.😎

The adventurer Kahlua😎Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum