Prussia x Reader (Lemon)

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        I was over Germany's house for the first time and may I say it is HUGE! Like there is x small, small, medium, large, xxx large and then Germany's house. I don't know why I mean its only him and Italy, but I did hear that he has a brother. I haven't ever really seen him before though, and I think by now Germany would tell me I mean I guess we are a thing but I don't really know. We have kissed a lot and "hung out". "GERMANY" I heard Italy yell "I MADE DINNER"

        "What is it?" Germany asked

        "PASTA!!~~" Of course I mean after all it is Italy.

        "Not a AGAIN!"

        "But its pasta~~" So we of course got up and went to the dinner table we're a crap ton of pasta was "Do you like? I made all types of pasta for your lady friend"

        "Yes, this shall do."

        "YAY! don't forget to call down Prussia"

        "Yeah, yeah. PRUSSIA DINNERS DONE!" I guess it was true Germany did have a brother but why didn't he every mention it before?

        "Whats going on Losers?" asked Prussia "and who is this?"

        "This is Germany's lady friend" Italy replied.

        "Well shes s-e-x-y. You got a good catch brother." Now I know why Germany hasn't talked about him, he's rude! "(Y/N) this is Prussia my brother" Germany said disappointingly that Prussia was his brother.

        "Nice too meet you" I said kindly the best I could.

        "Same to you sweet checks" He said with the biggest smirk in the world the rest of the night I just couldn't take my eyes off Prussia there's just some thing about him that makes him attracting, no what i'm I saying I love Germany. But hes so attracting. "(Y/N), are you okay you've been staring off in space all night""

        "yeah, i'm okay"

        Its been about a year now Germany and me are still dating, but now me and Prussia are friends  I mean it must be hard being Germany I mean he cutes but in the family he got the brains and Prussia got the looks.

               "Hello (Y/N)" Prussia said

        "oh hey funny meting you here" no it wasn't I know Prussia and I know he loves scary movies and that's why I knew he would be here opening night for the new movie. "Wheres my brother?" Prussia asked

        "Germany doesn't care for scary movies"

        "I didn't take you for a girl who like scary movies"

        "you kidding me I love scary movies" I don't really I hate them.

        "Oh well see you in there" Then he walked in. Should I even be here I mean I feel like im cheating on Germany but Prussia is fun and cute. I walked in and took a set next to Prussia. The movie was pretty boring I mean it was scary don't get me wrong but, since Prussia was with me I tried to keep my cool and not be afraid "What did you think about the movie?" Prussia asked while we walking out of the theater.

        "It was good I guess"

        "Yeah it was a little boring"  I was glad he thought so too. "So you coming over for dinner?"

        "Sure i'll text Germany."


        "He said it would be great so I guess I will"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2015 ⏰

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