Chapter One: Megaphone Blues

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock.
The quiet clicking of the clock was driving Johanna wild.
No, not wild. She wanted to be wild. She wanted to be outside. This clock was driving her insane.
Looking away from her computer, her eyes landed on the window overlooking the city.
"Figures." She mumbled, annoyed at the fact there was no actual wilderness. She missed the cabin.
Johanna closed her eyes, digging deep into her memories. She would run across the pasture under a formation of Woffs. They were always cozy creatures. Some would even let her ride on its back. It was sometimes scary, but what's an adventure without fear.
"Pearson!" A sharp voice brought Johanna to reality. Johanna's supervisor, Nadia, stood in front of her desk.
Nadia was stick-thin, and had a lob of messy orange hair tied in a bun. She wore too tight suits, and if Johanna could use one word to describe her, she would use "dry."
"Boss wants these done, now." Nadia said, dropping a stack of thick paper onto the desk. Right over Johanna's current project. She sighed loudly, as Nadia walked away, her heels clicking into the hardwood of the office floor.

In the other side of Trolberg, Johanna's daughter, Hilda, was currently finishing a quiz. She was confident in her abilities, being the smartest girl in class. Her brains were only rivaled by her best friend, David.
David was excellent in the Sparrow Scouts, and was clean, neat and tidy. His desk was a few feet away from Hilda, and he was almost done with his quiz as well.
The third in the trio of friends was Frida. She was a cowardly and shy girl, but had strong pipes. She wasn't as smart and fast as her friends, and was rushing to finish the quiz.
"What is the capital of Norway??" Frida thought. How would she know that?
"Frida! Please finish your quiz while recess starts." Ms. Hallgrimm said, her arms folded.
Everyone had went outside to play, Hilda and David included. Frida sighed as she started to take her time on the paper.

Outside, Hilda stood near the school, watching the other kids play. She wore her blue hair in low pigtails, with a black headband with a bow on the top of her head, and wore a red peter pan collared dress, with white tights and black mary janes. Very fancy, compared to her friends."You're not going to play?" A little girl waddled up to Hilda. This girl had short brown hair and wore a pink jacket. "No thanks. My mother and I have a party to go to after school, and I need to look perfect." Hilda replied, side eying this little girl. She had a pink bow on her head, similar to Hilda's own bow. Now that she thought about it, a lot of the girls wore bows. It started after Hilda came to the school. "Hey Hilda." David said, joining his friend at the side of the school. He wore a basic school uniform. "How come you're not-""David! I'm a trendsetter!" Hilda exclaimed, putting her hands on his shoulders."Huh?" David raised his eyebrows, as Hilda turned his head towards the children playing in the yard. "Look at what they have on their heads." Hilda pointed out, smiling smugly. "Oh. Cool. Anyways, why aren't you wearing a uniform?" David asked once more, looking at Hilda's dress."The school dress code says formal-casual. This counts." Hilda replied, folding her arms. "Loophole!" She smirked, causing Daivd to just smile and nod."I'm here! I'm here!" Frida called, running out of the schoolhouse. She stood in the yard, looking for Hilda and David, right as the bell rang, signalling recess was over.The stream of children went back inside, leaving Frida to simply turn around and walk back."Finish your work earlier." Hilda advised Frida, as the three walked back inside.As the school day ended, Johanna pulled up to the school. Most parents waited in the cars for their kids, but Johanna was something special.She didn't really bother with appearance. She wore a white long sleeved under a red short sleeved sweater, with a yellow scarf, and jeans. Her hair was a wild mane of brown fluff with a beret on top. Very contrasting to Hilda, which is why Hilda was dreading her mother picking her up. Usually Johanna worked late, and Hilda was picked up by David's parents and dropped off at home. Not today. "Hilda!" Johanna's shrill excitement blasted through the yard. The other students looked at Hilda, some snickering."Oh no..." Hilda mumbled, her cheeks red from sheer embarrassment."Maybe she can't hear me." Johanna mumbled. She ran over to her car, and pulled out a megaphone that she had got for work. "Hilda, is that your mom?" Frida asked, eyeing Johanna."HILDA! IT'S ME, YOUR MOM, JOHANNA!" Johanna yelled into the megaphone. Everyone was aware now. Hilda was red as a tomato as she shuffled past the other snickering students, and into Johanna's car."How was your day?" Johanna asked, tossing the megaphone into the back, and smiling at her blushing daughter."Fine." Hilda replied, as Johanna buckled up. Hilda looked out the window and added, "Until now."  

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