An evening in autumn

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~Lucy's POV~

Waking up slowly I headed to breakfast. Zofia was in the kitchen making pancakes there were 7 cups of coffee on the table. She was humming a sweet tune Nina walked in her pyjamas and her hair as messy as a birds nest.  She yawned and grabbed her coffee as she took a bite of her pancakes. "morning!" Faith said walking into the kitchen. Well, she was in a good mood today. Naomi slowly made her way to the kitchen and sat down in one of the stools. The kitchen was big it was a cute wooden look the stove was old yet very effective. The rest of our gang came in we all ate everyone seemed in a good mood. I was too. 

"So what's today's crime?" asked Zofia in a playful way.

"To be honest I'm not sure " replied Nina 

"We can paint on a billboard" Faith suggested 

"I mean why not seems good to me we are great artists after all," I said with a small laugh at the end. We all laughed.

~A few hours later~

"Okay so I got all the paints and brushes," said Zofia rather excitedly.

"Well I got the spray paint," said Sophie. She was head of our deliveries she was great with it. Her manipulative self got us a bunch of free stuff. 

"Looks like Zofia is excited" said Naomi 

"In what way~?" teased Faith. Zofia blushed a slight pink and walked away to get changed.

"Hey, Lucy?"  asked john rather timidly.

"Yeah, what's up?" I asked questioningly

"W-will you be my partner in crime?"

I was speechless I felt the heat crawling up to my cheeks.

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