My Best Friend

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Dear Diary,
Today I relapsed on my self harm. I don't know why it keeps happening. It's probably because I'm weak. I mean look at me, how could I ever have thought I could be a hero. I don't know why I relapsed, I can't think of anything that bothered me or made me upset. Those usually get me. I just finished wrapping up my arms and I'm honestly really worried now. Mirio had been so dead set on helping me keep clean. It had been working too, for 3 months. That's the longest I had ever gone. I'm really worried about Mirio checking my arms. He does every week. It was everyday at the beginning but not it's every week. I was getting good, he was trusting me more. I guess I'll have ruined that ya know. I really didn't want to, I mean I love him. Obviously as a friend. I could never have feelings for my best friend. Why am I justifying myself to a diary? Oh my god I'm asking myself things in the diary, I'm leaving. Goodbye diary.

This is the end of diary entree one. For each diary entree there will be a chapter after because I feel like single entrees are kinda boring so they're going to be actual book stuff to.

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