Chapter One

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Water poured from the spout of a sink, flowing off of Max Stones hands and dripping back into the sink. Max rubbed the soap on his hands together, then washing it off. The sink quickly filled with soapy water. Then someone grabbed his head, slamming his face into the mirror in front of the sink.

A small crack appeared on the glass, before Max's head was smashed into it again. The crack grew bigger. Max's nose bled, his face filled with bruises. The person inflicting so much pain to Max threw him back onto a door of one of the stalls. Max's vision was blurry, he could barely see what was going on.

The mysterious figure held something up to Max's neck. It was a knife. "Listen up, queer." The figure said. "I don't ever wanna see your fucking face ever again, understood?" Max didn't reply.

"Do you fucking understand?!" Max kicked the figure in his crotch, causing him to fall back a bit. Max ran for the door, before the figure grabbed him by the hair, slamming his face into the brick wall. The figure then pushed Max out into the hallway to lay there and rot.

People gathered around him and laughed, kicking him and spitting on him. None of the teachers even stopped, all of them walking by with a small grin on their face. The bell then rang, all of the students leaving the school by the doors at the end of the hall. Max was left there, all alone.

Max scrambled to his feet, also leaving the building. He walked on the sidewalk, quickly arriving to his school bus. He walked up the tiny steps and entered the bus, which smelled like mildew and rotting food. All of the seats were taken, besides one. Unfortunately, the last seat was with a guy he hated. They fought everyday.

Max sat down next to him, avoiding eye contact. "Hey, queer." He Said smirking as the bus started up with a loud roar, as is skid down the road. The guy nudged him. "I Said, hey queer." Max looked the opposite direction.

Then Max was nudged again, but way harder. He was launched out of his seat and into the middle of the bus. He fell to the ground, twisting and turning just  as the bus was. Max hit his head violently on the ground, over and over again. It was painful, but it had happened many times.

The school bus slowed down, as the driver looked back at Max who was lying on the floor. "Get in a fucking seat, retard." He yelled at him. Max quickly scrambled to his feet, reluctantly sat next to the kid who pushed him. His name was Tommy Braxton. Tommy was abused, as most bullies were. Beaten every day by his father who murdered Tommy's mother.  His dad said to keep quiet, or he'd end up dead to.

Tommy gave out a small giggle. An annoying, obnoxious giggle. They awkwardly sat next to each other for thirteen minutes, before the bus stopped at Max's stop. He got out of the seat and exited the bus, walking around it and to the entrance of his road. He walked past a green sign that read, "WOODLAND DR." The sign was crooked, it had been hit by a car a few months earlier.

All alone, Max walked down the seemingly endless street. He had no friends, not even his own parents who ignored him and and treated him like shit. Eventually he got to his house, 31 Woodland Dr. he walked down the small, gravel road leading to his house. He opened the door to his house, placing his backpack on a couch in the living room. He walked into his dads room. "I'm home." Max said to Jeremy, his dad.

"I'm not fucking blind, I can see that you're home." Max rolled his eyes, exiting his dads room. "Max!" Jeremy yelled. "Damnit." He whispered, walking back to his dads room. "Yes?" Jeremy looked sternly at Max. "Don't roll your fucking eyes, asshole. Go get me a beer or you're grounded." Max, again, exited the room. He headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge. He looked at a beer, then over to a counter. There laid a sharp knife with a black handle.

Max swallowed, closing the fridge without getting a beer. He walked over to the knife. "Hurry the hell up!" Jeremy yelled, Max ignoring him. He grabbed the knife off the counter, walking down the hall and to his dads room. He looked at him. "W-why do you have a knife?" Max walked over to his fat dad, who sat in his chair. "Max, stop!" Max ignored his dad again, raising the knife and stabbing him in his arm. Jeremy wailed in pain, bright red blood gushing from his fat arm.

Max raised the knife again, stabbing Jeremy in his chest. He took the knife out, stabbing him in the same place repeatedly until Jeremy stopped moving. He left his dad body there to rot, leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. "Asshole." Max said, walking over to the sink. He turned the water faucet on, placing the bloody knife under it. Max smiled, washing the blood of the knife. He turned the water off, drying the knife off with a paper towel. Max went over to his backpack, unzipping it and placing the knife inside.

The Forsakenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن