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Challenge: A Harry Potter/Percy Jackson (or Heroes of Olympus)

Plot: Gods are divine beings with extraordinary powers, born from the union between two members of the same pantheon but sometimes, just sometimes, the members of two different pantheons come together and produce a child. These children are known as Transcendent Demigods and Harry Potter happens to be one such Transcendent Demigod.

Rules:Light or Grey Harry.- Yes (Gray)

The reason for Harry being a Transcendent Demigod is that he is the child of deities from two different pantheons.- Check

One of Harry's god-parents must be a Greco-Roman deity. It doesn't matter whether they are Primordial, Titans or Gods, it just has to be someone from Greco-Roman mythology.Check

Whoever Harry's god-parents are, they have to break the law and meet with Harry. Check

Harry must be betrayed by Ron and Hermione at some point or the other.- Check (I don't like Ron anyway)

Sirius and Remus cannot abandon him.- Of course they wouldn't

Dumbledore may be anything from a blind idealist to a manipulative chessmaster and anything in between, but he is not and never will be dark and/or evil.- Check (personally I've always thought that Dumbledore was a manipulative old man. Honestly, who leaves a baby on the front step of a house in the middle of the night in November? Poor Harry could have died of hypothermia or have been kidnapped and no one would have been the wiser.)

Harry as a Transcendent Demigod has no true limits on his powers that he does have and can therefore potentially become as strong or even stronger than the Primordial Gods, but the downside is that he ages at the same rate as a human and must work to develop his powers, they will not come to him naturally as they do to the gods although he may temporarily access a hidden reserve of power in times of great need and distress. Also he may never develop powers outside of those he inherits from his divine parents, unless it has to do with magic. Example: As the son of a Fire God and Earth Goddess he can never control water unless it's a spell of some sort.- Check

Powerful Harry- Check

Intelligent Harry- Check

Driven Harry- Check

Harry may not be bound by the Ancient Laws at any point whatsoever.- Of course, when has Harr ever followed any rules?

Cover Image: I don't care what the image is. It can be a picture of Harry or a plain white sheet with the title written on it just have a cover image.

Guidelines: Harry becomes immortal once his powers develop to a certain point but not before that, when is up to you.- Check

Harry may possess the generic abilities of a god, telepathy, superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, energy manipulation, teleportation etc: Check

Master/Champion of Death Harry: This particular guideline can mean that Harry is Master/Champion of Thanatos or the Death God of any pantheon but it can also means that he is the Master/Champion of the literal embodiment of Death itself a being above and beyond any pantheon:  Check

James was a god in human form- Check

Lily was a god in human form:- Check

Other people of the HP universe are demigods: Possibly

Slash: We shall see *wink wink*

Ron and/or Hermione may eventually redeem themselves: Check

Female Percy paired with Harry: No
Kane Chronicles Crossover: Maybe

If you wish you can make it so that Harry is a Transcendent Demigod by making him the son of the Roman aspect of one god/goddess and the Greek aspect of another god/goddess:

Harry being naïve, weak, foolish and unmotivated.

Voldemort, Kronos and Gaea as allies of Harry.

Sirius and Remus abandoning Harry.

Dark or Evil Harry. I don't think that Harry could be evil, unless he's an evil genius like Fred and George. Then he can be as evil as his adorable little self wants to be.

A/N: the updates will probably be sporadic, so I apologize in advance.

To już koniec opublikowanych części.

⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Jan 18, 2020 ⏰

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