Stars In The Meadow

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Valkyrie lay in a field of flowers, something new to her. Asgard had never had flowers, but New Asgard had a few lovely meadows. The flowers were a soft blue, and her dark, wavy hair was tangled in their stems. The sun was about to rise, this was Val's favourite time of the day. Being the king of the people, she didn't have much time for herself. Out here, it was quiet. Out here, she was alone.

Well — not completely alone. She grinned a little as a shooting star shot past. She'd seen a couple in the last few days, but this one was breathtaking. It seemed to linger longer than a normal shooting star would, however. Val frowned as the shooting star didn't fade into the vast space of space. Instead, it seemed to be getting bigger. She realised with a sudden pang of fear in her stomach that this wasn't a shooting star, it was a meteor of some kind.

Would it hit the village? The people slept soundly in their small huts, as King surely she'd have to do something about a threat, but what could she do? The meteor, however, didn't seem to be nearing the village. It was nearing her. The fireball came hurtling down into the meadow as Valkyrie ran down the hill. Boom! She braced herself for a wave of heat and rubble, but it never came. The Meadow... wasn't alight, as Valkyrie had expected it to be. She stood at the bottom of the hill, staring up into the flowers. For a moment, there was nothing. Then a figure stumbled out of the flowers, and collapsed down the hill, landing at Val's feet.

It was a woman, with chin length, jagged blonde hair that was filled with flower bits. She wore an old brown leather jacket, over a red and blue suit. Her fingers, entwined in the long grass, were pulsing a pale red and giving off a blue glow. She had a few cuts on her face, which Val noticed were bleeding blue. Getting over her initial shock, Val quickly rushed to the woman's side.

She looked surprisingly unharmed, aside from a few cuts here and there. But Val quickly realised where the damage was, in her hands. They'd looked fine before, but taking a closer look they were turning an ugly green-blue, underneath the fading glow. They must've taken most of the impact from the fall. Val gently pressed her fingertips into the palm of the hand, and the woman squirmed a little, still unconscious.

Around an hour later Val, with the help of a few asgardians, had gotten the woman out of the field and into Val's hut. It was no castle like the previous kings and queens of Asgard had previously enjoyed, but it was roomier than most other huts. They had layn the woman on Val's bed. She sat with her, observing her ever so slightly twitching face. She looked troubled, muttering quietly. The woman's eyes fluttered rapidly, never quite opening. Val's concern grew as her breathing quickened and she began to twitch more violently.

"Hey-" she began, but the woman jolted upright, bumping heads with Val. She blinked in confusion for a moment, before edging herself away from Valkyrie.

"I don't... I don't know who you are" she stuttered, placing her hands on the mattress underneath her. Immediately she recoiled in pain, bringing her hands up to her face. She stared at them for a good moment, now a deeper shade of purple, before looking back at Valkyrie.

"What happened to me?"

Val tried to make words form in her mouth, but she didn't really understand what had happened. At least not the full story. The blonde's dazzling blue eyes looked at her in fear. She could tell that this was something the woman didn't usually experience, fear.

"You... fell out of the sky." She said blankly.

"Where am I?"

"Asgard. Well — New Asgard."

She nodded, and stood up. She wasn't completely steady, taking a small step backwards to balance herself. The woman quickly left the hut, Valkyrie following her. Val didn't know if she was supposed to yell at her to stop, or ask her where she was going. Silently, she followed her up the meadow, and to the edge of the cliff. Wind whipped the blonde's short hair around, as she viewed New Asgard's sea.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2019 ⏰

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