when it fell down.

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song lyrics by aiden the spider

when the world is caving in

and my heart is full of sin 

am i wrong or am i right

for wanting to begin my flight

into the wilderness,

of happiness

full of cigarettes

and deadly threats 

and people that dont understand you

full of darkened caves 

and killing raves

and animals

that never will like you

but when i go to sleep

i see all my dreams

full of dancing knives

and my future wives

and i dont whats going on with me

so dont tell me 

that im okay

because because the people in my head

are all gay

and everythings a sin

and everythings disgusting

and everything is something that i should be killed for

so dont tell me 

that its okay

because youre bleeding out

and im just being deadly

i actually recorded how the song went on my computer 

but not on youtube so yeet

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