The rainbow snake

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One day a girl found a garden snake she loved them she always wanted one has a pet. She didn't know what it would be like if she had one her mom named Amanda was always afraid of them she always thought they would but her and she would die that why she didn't want her daughters to have a snake of her own. Her mother named Amanda new that if she got bit the snake has about 1 - 850MG of venom in it. Amanda daughter named Lily wanted one for her birthday and she wanted a Tiger Snake but the mom knew that they were really bad snake to have. Amanda decided to let her daughter have the snake lonely if she would pay for the food and the snake and its cage and anything else the snake needed. Lily was so happy 😀 to get a snake but she wanted to know what color it would be she was so exited to find out. Amanda was so scared to get the snake but she didn't want her daughter to get mad or angry at her and so she was on her way to a reptile store so she could go get the snake. Amanda was decided if she should bring Lily to the store or not she wasn't sure to let it be sub prizes or let her pick the color of the snake. Amanda decided it to be a sub prizes. An Amanda was decided what Lily wanted in her snake like what color or if it even matter hat color the snake was ? When Amanda got their she looked around for the best snake that was a Tiger Snake. Their was a snake that had black stripes and white or their was a snake that had a reds and black dots. Amanda decided to get the white and with black stripe she knew that Lily would love it the snake was small as a wooden pencil. When a Amanda got home she remember that Lily was with her dad at the grocery store so she had a lot of time to set the snake cage up in her room with the snake. Then a hour later Amanda husband named Jeff got home with their special daughter. Amanda told Lily to go in her room and look at her new snake. Lily was deciding what she would named it she thought of Tina. Amanda loved the name of Tina. Tina looked like she loved her were she was at.

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