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​Three young hillbilly compadres too young, by only a year or three, to fight in the first World War. Two brothers and a double cousin, Zach, Tom and Saul, were described, even in their elder years as the meanest outfits on the creek. Tom was the most level headed one, even though Zach was the one who became a school teacher. They were brothers within 18 months apart in their age. Saul was their cousin many different way. Just a note: Saul ended up marrying one of Tom and Zach's sisters, Margaret "Peggy". Anyway, this is a little tale about the three out on a weekend feeling their oats as they normally did following the work week. Saul had caused a racket at the poker game under the cliff and Tom had intervened to convince Saul and Zach to head down by the river to visit the "Queen of the Barge", Saul's favorite lady friend at that time... But the three never made it that far that particular night. They had stopped to "pause for the cause" and have a hornt or two in a gap on the way when Saul and Zach got to stewing about the racket under the cliff, wanting to and planning to go back and kill a certain feller. Tom never hushed until he had seemed to talk the two out of their plans. That's when they turned on him. They would be determined to be into meaness... See, even though Tom was the one that was trying to keep them outta trouble, he was nothing short about meanness himself. He just happened to not be involved in the argument under the cliff. And he loved his liquor as much or more than any. So, Saul and Zach decided that Tom didn't need any more liquor. This rustled Tom's feathers and he commenced to bowin' up ready to fight when Zach and Saul grabbed him and pinned him to the ground. They had him where he could not move a limb, flat of his back. They then started taking turns biting Tom. Saul would bite him and almost bring blood then take a big swig of liquor. Zach would follow. They would sing a tune then talk to each other acting as if Tom wasn't even there. They continued this for an hour or two until Tom managed to get loose. Saul moved quickly enough to get away but Zach caught it, a sealed jar of moonshine busted right between the left eye socket and ear. It knocked him clean out. Tom ran after Saul but he got away. Tom went home, leaving his brother there, bleeding, out cold. Their dad and uncles went and got Zach, packed him home and he was in the bed for almost two weeks before he was well. Saul wasn't seen for over a week. He probably made it to the barge.

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